The United States faces diverse and complex security challenges that require a range of agile and flexible capabilities. From the ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, to potential confrontation with aggressive state and non-state actors, to providing humanitarian assistance, the United States Air Force continues to provide capabilities across the full spectrum of potential military operations. The Air Force's Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 budget request aims for balance and versatility to meet the demands of this environment. We believe the request enables our efforts to prevail in today's wars, prevent and deter conflict, and prepare to defeat adversaries across the range of military operations--all the while preserving and enhancing the all-volunteer force.
We remain mindful of our Nation's budgetary challenges and fiscal constraints, because fiscal responsibility is a national security imperative. This environment requires that we balance our capabilities between current combat operations and the need to address emerging threats and challenges. We continue to pursue cost-effective systems that leverage existing capabilities and maximize interoperability and integration of legacy and future systems. The commitment of the Air Force to collectively discern, access and provide tailored and scalable effects with Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power virtually anywhere in the world is reflected in our acquisition priorities. These priorities are:
. Tanker Recapitalization (KC-X);
. Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) Restructure and F-16 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP);
. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems;
. Long-Range Strike Family of Systems; and
. Space Systems and Launch Capability Acquisition Strategy.
Global Vigilance is the ability to provide surveillance around the world. As the demand for ISR continues to grow, the Air Force is aggressively fielding enhanced ISR capability and capacity across the widest range of military operations to counter threats and defeat our adversaries. The Air Force will continue to enhance space control and situational awareness capabilities, as well as space management, to ensure we operate effectively in the increasingly competitive, congested and contested space domain. This includes implementing the Evolutionary Acquisition for Space Efficiency (EASE) concept to drive down costs, improve stability in the fragile space industrial base, invest in technology that will lower risk for future programs, and achieve efficiencies through block buys of satellites. There is also an on-going collaboration between the Air Force, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to maintain a healthy industrial base to meet government launch and range requirements in an efficient manner.
Global Reach is the ability to project capability responsively and advantageously without regard to distance. Air Force mobility assets are essential to Joint, Interagency and Coalition operations in peace and war as we provide critical supplies and personnel through strategic and tactical delivery--airlift and airdrop. Air refueling aircraft play an integral role by providing reach and persistence for aircraft to operate inter-theater and intra-theater, alike. As such, the procurement of the KC-X remains the top acquisition and recapitalization priority for the Air Force.
Global Power is the ability to hold at risk any target in the world. The Air Force must continue to modernize and recapitalize our aircraft inventory to remain effective against global and regional competitors as they continue to modernize and improve their own air defense capabilities and harden valued targets. We will continue to work with Congress to enhance capabilities in our existing fighter and bomber fleets to mitigate delays in the F-35 development and procurement programs. One key to that mitigation effort is a focused F-16 SLEP. We must sustain our ability to consistently hold any target on the planet at risk with the development of a Long-Range Strike Family of Systems capability--including a new penetrating bomber--to create desired effects across the full range of military operations in both permissive and contested environments. Lastly, a multi-faceted effort is underway to enhance our air superiority legacy fighters, maximize the capabilities of the F-22 fleet, invest in preferred air-to-air munitions, and optimize our electronic warfare systems.
The Air Force must take the necessary steps today that will allow future generations to continue to provide consistent, credible and effective air, space and cyber capabilities on which our Nation depends. Our ability to do so is constrained by the increasing costs to design and build platforms and by the accelerating costs of personnel benefits and other must-pay operational bills in a particularly challenging budget environment. We will ensure we maximize combat capability out of each taxpayer dollar by identifying waste, implementing efficiencies, pursuing continuous process improvement initiatives and making smart investments. We will provide the necessary capability, capacity and versatility required to prevail today and in the future.
Lastly, our FY12 budget request recognizes the need to properly manage our force structure. We recognize that our most valuable assets--our people--are critical to achieving our broadest strategic goals, and our near- and far-term mission success is inextricably linked to the overall well-being of our Airmen and their families.
Operating without a defense appropriations bill in FY11 is having a significant impact on the Air Force. Under a Continuing Resolution (CR), we are unable to raise procurement to requested levels in several critical areas. Constraining MQ-9 procurement to 24 aircraft versus the 48 requested will delay our ability to reach the Secretary of Defense's directed goal of 65 MQ-1/9 Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) by 2013 in support of ongoing operations in Afghanistan. The inability to initiate a contract for the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS)-7 satellite will cause a production break and a likely increase in unit cost. Production breaks and delayed procurements will also negatively affect the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), F-15 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, F-15 APG 63 radar, and other programs. In addition to these impacts, deeper reductions to our modernization programs would be required to fund over $3 billion in must-pay bills for urgent operational needs in Afghanistan and Iraq, military healthcare, and the military pay raise of 1.4 percent, which was authorized by Congress and is being implemented, but was not funded. FY11 appropriations are also required for 75 military construction (MILCON) projects, now on hold, which support on-going operational needs and improve the quality of life for Air Force personnel and their families. Lastly, the Air Force would have to delay or cancel some depot maintenance, weapon system sustainment and other day-to-day activities in order to prioritize our most critical needs under the lower funding levels in a full year CR.
In summary, continuing the CR far beyond March 4 would severely impact program and budget execution in the Air Force, delaying modernization and causing significant restructuring and potential cost increases to many acquisition programs, and creating larger backlogs for maintenance and other operations. Passing a FY11 defense appropriations bill is essential to avoid these severe disruptions.
In June 2010, the Secretary of Defense challenged the Services to increase funding for mission activities by identifying efficiencies in overhead, support and other less mission-essential areas. The efficiency target for the Air Force was $28.3 billion across this Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). The Air Force is committed to enhancing capabilities by reducing expenses allocated to overhead and support functions, while shifting resources to modernization and readiness programs.
As part of the FY12 budget, the Air Force exceeded our efficiency target by $5 billion and identified $33.3 billion in efficiencies in an effort to make resources available to better support warfighter and readiness programs across the FYDP. Examples of these efficiencies include:
. Consolidating three Numbered Air Forces with colocated Major Command staff and consolidating the activities of four Air and Space Operations Centers into two, thereby achieving a redistribution of 347 military authorizations (228 in FY12 and 119 in FY13) across the FYDP and eliminating 212 civilian authorizations beginning in FY13 which will save $100.1 million across the FYDP;
. Consolidating installation support management to improve Air Force-wide standardization and prioritization;
. Reallocating 5,600 active duty billets over the FYDP from lower priority support functions to higher priority, growth areas;
. Saving more than $3 billion from anticipated growth in Weapon System Sustainment (WSS) portfolio efficiencies across the FYDP by reviewing operational requirements, depot processes and the sustainment of the supply chain without degrading operational capabilities or support to the warfighter;
. Reducing fuel consumption within the Mobility Air Forces by leveraging proven commercial aviation practices for flight planning and weight reduction, and implementing other initiatives to save $715 million (net) across the FYDP;
. Reducing acquisition costs by consolidating services, scrutinizing contracts, reducing contract support, and more efficiently using resources to deliver capabilities and support to the warfighter;
. Reducing information technology costs by more than $1.2 billion over the FYDP by adopting DoD-level Enterprise Information Services including enterprise core services, consolidating and standardizing the network information technology infrastructure from nine Air Force and Air National Guard Regional Processing Centers to five centrally controlled centers, and migrating current and developmental applications, services and data to DoD-provided enterprise computing centers; and
. Improving our procurement of satellites with a new acquisition strategy which, subject to Congressional approval, will lower procurement costs and stabilize the defense industrial base.
The realization of these efficiencies allowed the Air Force to reallocate funding to modernize and recapitalize weapons systems, improve capabilities and enhance warfighter operations. Examples of these enhancements include:
. Investing in the Long-Range Strike Family of Systems, including a new penetrating bomber as a key component of the Joint portfolio;
. Investing an additional $3.5 billion to fund the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELV) program to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Independent Cost Assessment, with the Department of Defense (DoD) committed to buying five boosters per year to meet national space launch requirements and stabilize the industrial base;
. Repurposing 5,600 active duty billets over the FYDP to support ISR capability, U.S. Pacific Command force structure requirements, Total Force Integration, the U-2 continuation, building partnership capacity, increasing support to the Air Force District of Washington UH-1N mission, among other increases;
. Procuring an additional 16 simulators for F-35 aircrew training bringing the total procurement to 30 simulators to ensure an effective training pipeline throughput and operational unit pilot proficiency and cost control;
. Recapitalizing the aging special operations forces MC-130H/W aircraft;
. Improving the aircraft computer infrastructure of the B-52 to enable more rapid machine-to-machine retargeting;
. Enhancing combat capability of the F-15C and F-15E with additional AESA radars and electronic protection software upgrades;
. Continuing to fund the development of next-generation Global Positioning System (GPS) III Operational Control Segment;
. Researching and developing electronic protection and suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) capabilities for the F-22;
. Transitioning MC-12W Liberty Project from Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding into the Air Force baseline budget beginning in FY13;
. Continuing maximized production of the MQ-9 Reaper to ensure delivery of 65 CAPs by the end of FY13;
. Extending U-2 operations through FY15 to ensure a smooth high-altitude transition; and
. Baselining the Air Sovereignty Alert program across the FYDP to solidify support to homeland security operations.
The Air Force leadership recognizes the importance of achieving planned efficiencies to avoid future bills and a negative impact to our mission and our Airmen. We are taking a long-term view of this initiative and will address our efficiency targets annually to further refine and identify follow-on opportunities. We assigned responsibility for initiatives to individual senior leaders who are developing their detailed implementation plans to oversee our efforts. Quarterly executive-level reviews will monitor plans and progress, and ensure that efficiency initiatives do not inadvertently impact readiness, mission performance, or quality of life for our Airmen. Our continuous process improvement program, Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21), is well-established and provides our Airmen with the tactics, techniques and procedures to improve performance while achieving efficiencies.
In order to ensure Air Force leadership has reliable and relevant financial information to monitor our efficiency goals, we are further emphasizing our work in Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness. In FY12, the Air Force is dedicating $29 million to audit readiness and validation and $327 million to modernize our business systems.
Mission effectiveness of the Air Force is linked to the overall well-being of our Airmen and their families. The Air Force will continue to find innovative and efficient ways to provide and sustain programs that support our Airmen and their families, including our critical civilian personnel. We must ensure programs and services foster a greater sense of community, strengthen a sense of belonging and value to the Air Force, and improve Airman and family resiliency.
As mission demands continue to evolve and budgets flatten, the Air Force is making key strategic choices to leverage the collective talent and experience of our Total Force. Through improved integration across the Total Force Enterprise of active, Guard and Reserve forces, we are seeking greater Service-wide efficiencies and effectiveness to maximize combat capability for the Joint warfighter. We are developing business case analyses to inform decisions on how best to structure Active and Reserve Component relationships, especially in new areas. As missions such as cyber and dynamic battlefield ISR mature, so too will the Total Force investment in these areas.
End Strength, Retention and Recruiting. The overall programmed Air Force end strength for FY12 is more than 690,000 personnel. This includes 332,800 active duty, 71,400 Reserve, 106,700 Air National Guard, and more than 182,000 civilian personnel. To support the efforts of our Airmen and to recruit and retain the highest quality Air Force members, the FY12 budget request includes $30.2 billion in military personnel funding and a military pay raise in FY12 of 1.6 percent.
The retention rates in the Air Force are the highest they have been in 16 years and recruiting has also been successful. Therefore, the $626.6 million requested in the FY12 budget for recruiting and retention bonuses is highly targeted. Bonuses are proposed for specific career fields with critical wartime skills including pilots, control and recovery, intelligence, contracting, security forces, health professionals, civil engineering, special operations and explosive ordnance disposal.
In addition, the current economy has slowed attrition from the Air Force and had the effect of increasing active duty manning above planned levels. As a result, the Air Force is making difficult, but fiscally responsible decisions to implement force management programs that allow us to remain within authorized end strength ceilings. Specifically, we continue to progress toward an active duty end strength goal of 332,800 by the end of FY12. To address excess end strength, particularly in the officer force, we will reduce accessions, continue to waive Active Duty Service Commitment and Time in Grade requirements for voluntary separations and retirements, continue to conduct enlisted Date of Separation rollbacks, and institute involuntary separation and retirement programs for officers through Selective Early Retirement, Reduction in Force and Force Shaping boards. We will also work with OSD to seek additional legislative authority to help the Air Force meet end strength ceilings by the end of FY12 and maintain the appropriate level in FY13 and beyond.
Civilian Workforce. The Secretary of Defense has limited our civilian workforce to FY10 levels, with limited growth allowed for specific priorities like the acquisition workforce. This policy will require significant changes to previously planned civilian growth. The Air Force will also conduct an enterprise-wide review of civilian personnel end strength to facilitate DoD's efforts for efficiencies and reinvestment possibilities.
Contractor Reductions. The Air Force is looking at the way we utilize the contract workforce as we answer the Secretary of Defense's challenge to find efficiencies and to reduce duplication, overhead, and excess, and reinforce our culture of efficiency and restraint across the Air Force. This will impact the service support contract workforce in the following areas:
. Reduce our staff support contractor workforce by ten percent per year, over the next three years in accordance with DoD's guidance with an estimated FY12 savings of $127 million; and
. Reduce the funding for advisory studies by 25 percent from the FY10 levels over the FYDP with an estimated FY12 savings of $41 million.
The Air Force identified two other areas that will result in reductions to its headquarters contract workforce and release resources for warfighter use. These include:
. Knowledge-based services estimated at $252 million in FY12; and
. Program Management Administration estimated at $191 million in FY12.
Man-Days. Active Duty Operational Support days play a critical role in resourcing extended military operations. They allow for the active duty appropriation to pay for temporary use of National Guard and Reserve personnel to support military missions beyond the regular component's capability. In support of the Secretary of Defense's efficiency initiative, the Air Force reduces, by 1,250 work years, the Reserve Component FY12 man-day program that supports non-critical administrative and overhead activities.
The demand for global mobility and related airlift support remains high in FY12 as the Air Force will continue to support a large footprint in Afghanistan. The Air Force identified $1.4 billion to support FY12 OCO requirements. Our reliance on the Total Force is by design, and we recognize and value the contributions of the members of the Reserve Components who have performed tirelessly in support of our Nation. The Air Force will continue to prioritize Reserve
Component requirements prudently and in accordance with mission needs as we transition to a lower steady state tempo.
Diversity. The Air Force widened the aperture beyond traditional views of diversity, and defined it to include personal life experiences, geographic background, socioeconomic background, cultural knowledge, educational background, work background, language abilities, physical abilities, philosophical/spiritual perspectives, age, and more. We declared diversity a military necessity, as both a source of greater combat effectiveness and as means toward a force that more closely mirrors American society. Deliberate plans are being developed to attract, recruit, develop, and retain a more diverse force.
Repeal of .Don't Ask, Don't Tell.. The Air Force will execute the plan established by OSD for the effective implementation of the repeal of Section 654 of Title 10 of the United States Code, known as .Don't Ask, Don't Tell.. We are also developing strategic communications, and we will provide initial and sustainment education and training at all levels.
Readiness. With Air Force personnel deployed to more than 135 locations worldwide on an average day, we rely heavily on the Total Force. Currently, more than 37,000 Airmen are deployed and more than 57,000 are forward-stationed. In addition, approximately 134,000 Airmen are directly supporting Combatant Commander requirements from their home stations daily. These Airmen contribute in a variety of ways, to include operating the Nation's space and missile forces, processing and exploiting remotely collected ISR data, providing national intelligence support, operating and defending our networks, and executing air sovereignty alert missions.
The Air Force has flown more than 419,000 sorties in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and NEW DAWN and more than 244,000 sorties in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM since September 11, 2001. During this time, we delivered over 6.3 million passengers and 3.3 million tons of cargo, employed almost 23,800 tons of munitions, flew more than 15,750 personnel recovery sorties recording over 2,900 saves and 6,200 assists, and transported more than 85,000 patients and more than 15,400 casualties from the U.S. Central Command alone. In 2010, our Airmen averaged approximately 400 sorties every day.
This level of activity reflects our commitment to provide Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power in today's Joint fight. However, our high operations tempo (OPTEMPO) has also had some detrimental effects on our overall readiness. Readiness for full spectrum military operations is a challenge for our combat air forces and some other limited-supply/high-demand aviation units. Since 2003, we have seen a slow but steady decline in reported readiness indicators. Our OPTEMPO since 2001 has produced lower deploy-to-dwell ratios for high-demand skills. At present, 19 enlisted and nine officer career fields are .stressed.. We have improved funding to WSS; however, sustainment challenges continue as we field new weapon systems and balance contract versus organic sources of repair. To address these readiness issues, we must keep aircraft recapitalization and procurement programs on track and continue managing our force to ensure the right numbers and mix of skills in our highly tasked and highest priority mission areas.
The Air Force Core Functions, assigned by the Secretary of Defense and recognized by the Joint community, provide a framework for balancing investments across Air Force capabilities. While this document describes the Core Functions individually, we recognize the inherent interdependence of these capabilities within the Air Force, the Joint force, and throughout the United States Government. When considered together, the Core Functions encompass the full range of Air Force capabilities. The budget request in this posture statement provides an appropriate balance of investment across our Core Functions. The table below depicts the FY12 budget request and the projected allocation of resources across the FYDP, by Air Force Core Function.
Note 1: This table does not include OCO, Non-Blue or classified programs.
Note 2: The funding for Nuclear Deterrence Operations includes weapon systems, support systems, as well as nuclear command, control, and communications requirements.
Continuing to strengthen our nuclear enterprise remains the number one Air Force priority, and we have taken positive steps within the FY12 budget request to continue to strengthen and improve this Core Function.
Air Force Global Strike Command achieved full operational capability (FOC) on September 30, 2010, moving all Air Force nuclear-capable bombers and Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) under one command. The Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center continues to pursue vital and deliberate sustainment of the nuclear enterprise through efforts such as the Air Force Comprehensive Assessment of Nuclear Sustainment process. Bomber force modernization continued in an effort to maintain a viable force beyond 2030. We have completed the transition to four B-52 operational squadrons with the addition of the 69th Bomb Squadron at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota. ICBM modernization and sustainment also continued with investments in new test equipment and launch facility environmental control systems. Although an initial study for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent to replace the Minuteman III will begin in FY11, we must continue sustainment efforts to ensure Minuteman III viability through 2030.
An important event for the ICBM force in 2010 was a temporary loss of the ability to monitor the status of 50 missiles at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. At no time was there any danger to the public or to the safety and security of the weapon system. The missiles are protected by multiple and redundant safety, security, and command and control features. The root cause of this communication interruption was identified, and the necessary technical and procedural changes to prevent future occurrences have ensued. In addition, the Air Force has completed a number of assessments including initiatives to address systemic issues with ICBM infrastructure and operating procedures as well as a report on the age and pedigree of the infrastructure and equipment associated with the ICBM system. Based on these assessments, it is clear that a significant portion of the existing infrastructure will eventually require modernization or complete replacement in the years ahead.
The FY12 budget request of $5.2 billion continues to invest in the future of nuclear deterrence. The Air Force is committed to sustaining the ICBM force through 2030 with investment including command and control, cryptographic improvements and ballistic missile fuze sustainment. Bomber modernization and sustainment efforts include the B-52 Combat Network Communications Technology program, the B-2 Extremely High Frequency communications program and the Defensive Management Systems program. The Air Force removed early-to-need procurement funding in bomber extremely high frequency communications and the ground element of the Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network program due to program delays. The Air Force is committed to continuing to strengthen the nuclear enterprise through other programs such as the tail kit portion of the B61 nuclear weapon life extension program, the future long-range standoff weapon, and the Common Vertical Lift Support Platform. Beyond weapon system sustainment and modernization, the Air Force is focusing on human capital as we carefully balance requirements for our limited, intensively scrutinized, high-demand Airmen in the nuclear enterprise.
The Air Force is prepared for a new verification regime and is planning for the elimination and conversion of launchers under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. We will work with the OSD and U.S. Strategic Command to identify and assess options for future force structure adjustments consistent with the Treaty provisions.
Many of our global precision attack forces are meeting the current requirements of ongoing contingency operations by performing precision strike and ISR support roles. However, the proliferation of anti-access and area-denial capabilities will challenge the ability of current fourth-generation fighters and legacy bombers to penetrate contested airspace in the longer term.
The Air Force used a balanced approach across the global precision attack portfolio in FY11, prioritizing investment in fifth-generation aircraft while sustaining legacy platforms as a bridge to the F-35, Joint Strike Fighter. We continue to modernize our bomber fleet to sustain our capability and capacity as we invest in a Long-Range Strike Family of Systems.
The FY12 budget request for this Core Function is $16 billion. Investments in global precision attack will fund modernization of legacy fighters and the B-1B, development and procurement of the F-35A, preferred munitions, and simulators for Tactical Air Control System training. The FY12 budget request adds $15 million to begin design and development of structural and capability modifications for the F-16 Block 40/42/50/52 fleet. The SLEP initiatives for the F-16 airframe are scalable and responsive to the Air Force's total fighter requirements. The Air Force is also studying F-16 modernization efforts, to include a new AESA radar, center displays, electronic warfare defensive suite, and an improved data-link in anticipation of F-35A delivery delays.
The multi-role F-35A is the centerpiece of the Air Force's future precision attack capability. In addition to complementing the F-22's world class air superiority capabilities, the F-35A is designed to penetrate air defenses and deliver a wide range of precision munitions. This modern, fifth-generation aircraft brings the added benefit of increased allied interoperability and cost-sharing across Services and partner nations. It will also serve to fulfill our commitment to NATO's dual-capable aircraft mission. The FY12 budget includes $5.3 billion for continued development and procurement of 19 F-35A, Conventional Take-Off and Landing (CTOL), production aircraft.
The F-35A program team achieved a number of accomplishments over the past year, including the first flight of the first mission systems aircraft, arrival of the first four F-35A test aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base, California, completion of F-35A static structural testing five months ahead of schedule with no failures, roll out of the first Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) F-35A, completion of 410 total F-35 test flights in 2010 of which 171 were F-35A flights, negotiation of the first fixed price type production contract (LRIP Lot 4 - 10 CTOL aircraft), and the signing of a Letter of Acceptance to procure the F-35A by Israel.
Also in 2010, the Air Force announced the preferred alternatives for F-35A operational and training bases. Those bases are Hill Air Force Base, Utah, and Burlington Air Guard Station, Vermont for operational squadrons and Luke Air Force Base, Arizona for training.
The program continues to experience challenges as it transitions from development to production despite the significant accomplishments. The Secretary of Defense announced a program restructure in February 2010. The restructure resulted in increased funding for development and production in accordance with Joint Estimate Team II estimates, reduced procurement by 122 aircraft over the FYDP in the FY11 PB, upgraded the Program Executive Office position from a 2-star to 3-star flag rank, extended development by 13 months, added an additional LRIP lot prior to entering full rate production, and reduced the ramp rate to less than 150 percent of the previous year's production. Program cost growth, including growth from the restructure, resulted in a critical Nunn-McCurdy breach in March 2010. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics subsequently certified the program in accordance with the Nunn-McCurdy statute, allowing the F-35 program to continue.
The DoD tasked the program office to perform a bottom-up review of the remaining development effort after the program Nunn-McCurdy certification. This Technical Baseline Review (TBR), completed in November 2010, became the basis for additional program restructuring within the FY12 PB. The TBR informed the need for an additional $4.6 billion to complete the Joint development effort. To fund this new development effort, and recognizing a continued lagging performance in production, the DoD reduced procurement by 124 aircraft over the FYDP in the FY12 PB, 57 of which were F-35As.
The Air Force intends to accelerate the procurement of the F-15E AESA radar modernization program, funding 88 radars and electronic protect software upgrades across the FYDP to keep our legacy platforms viable well into the future. Other legacy fighter improvements in the FY12 budget include the continuation of the A-10C wing replacement program.
The FY12 budget request includes funds to modernize the B-1B fleet, including the central integrated test system, fully integrated data link, and vertical situation display unit. To provide the funds to modernize the B-1B fleet, the FY12 budget request also reduces B-1B force structure by six primary aircraft authorizations leaving 60 B-1Bs in our inventory. Investing in a new penetrating bomber is critical to maintaining our long-range strike capability in the face of increasing risk associated with anti-access and area-denied environments.
To this end, the Secretary of Defense announced on January 6, 2011, that the Air Force will invest in a new long-range, penetrating, and nuclear-capable bomber capable of both manned and unmanned operations. A major focus of this program is to develop an affordable, long-range penetrating strike capability that delivers on schedule and in quantity. This aircraft will be designed and built using proven technologies, will leverage existing systems to provide sufficient capability, and allow growth to improve the system as technology matures and threats evolve. This program should start now to ensure that the new bomber can be ready before the current aging B-52 and B-1 bomber fleets go out of service. The follow-on bomber represents a key component of a Joint portfolio of conventional deep-strike capabilities, an area that must be a high priority for future defense investment given the anti-access challenges our military faces. It is a central element in a Family of Systems that includes enabling electronic warfare, ISR, and communications capabilities, as well as new weapons.
Anti-access and area-denial challenges have also caused us to pursue the Air-Sea Battle concept in partnership with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, so that together we can preserve and bolster our Nation's freedom of action in the air, maritime, space, and cyberspace domains. Once implemented, Air-Sea Battle will guide us to develop a more permanent and better-institutionalized relationship between Departments that will ultimately shape our Service organizations, inform our operational concepts, and guide our materiel acquisitions.
This budget request also includes Developmental Test (DT)/Operational Test (OT) and procurement of the Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile baseline and Extended Range programs. As Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)-1 production concludes in FY11, the Air Force plans to transition to development and production of the SDB-II in FY12. Additionally, the FY12 budget request continues funding for integration of the Hard Target Void-Sensing Fuze onto the BLU-113 and BLU-109 weapons, and funds weapon DT/OT for the Massive Ordnance Penetrator.
FY12 budget investments in global precision attack reflect the requirement to win today's fight while recognizing that proliferation of anti-access and area-denial capabilities will increasingly challenge America's ability to penetrate contested airspace. The Air Force continues to modernize the legacy fighter and bomber fleet to maintain sufficient capability and capacity as we transition to a fully operational F-35A fleet and field a modern Long-Range Strike Family of Systems.
Air superiority is crucial in modern warfare. It enables air, land and maritime operations in support of our Joint, Interagency and Coalition partners. For over five decades, Air Force investments, expertise and sacrifice in achieving air superiority have ensured that friendly ground forces operate without threat of attack from enemy aircraft. Airspace control remains vitally important in all operating environments to ensure the advantages of rapid mobility, ISR and precision strike are broadly available to the Combatant Commander. Ongoing air defense modernization efforts by global and regional competitors will challenge the Air Force's ability to attain the same degree of control in the future. The FY12 budget request for air superiority is $9.2 billion.
We plan to continue upgrading to a fifth-generation fleet with F-22 modifications to provide fleet commonality and ensure the viability of our legacy weapons systems. We will also continue the development of preferred air-to-air munitions and defenses such as the AIM-9X, AIM-120D and electronic warfare capabilities.
We are currently modernizing our legacy fleet of F-15 fighter aircraft with AESA radars to ensure their viability well into the future. Other F-15C/D modernization programs underway include an advanced display core processor upgrade with vertical situation display, beyond line of sight radios, and Link-16 cryptographic upgrades. The FY12 budget request continues funding for the F-15C/D AESA radar modernization program. The Air Force has recently restructured this program, procuring 90 radars across the FYDP and an additional eight radars in FY17.
The Air Force is also incrementally modernizing the F-22 Block 30/35 aircraft and requests funding in the FY12 budget for the F-22 Block 20/30/35 Common Configuration, Reliability and Maintainability Maturation Program and enhancement of the air-to-air and SEAD capabilities on F-22 Block 30/35 aircraft.
Select electronic warfare enhancements continue in FY11, including EC-130H Compass Call fleet upgrades, and a flight deck and mission crew simulator to increase training capacity. The FY12 budget request begins funding 13 electronic attack pod sets for MQ-9s and the conversion of a C-130 to EC-130H Compass Call aircraft, adding two mission aircraft authorizations across the FYDP. The FY12 budget also funds concurrent production of Miniature Air-Launched Decoy (MALD)/MALD-Jammer (MALD-J) and development of MALD-J Increment II to improve the system's electronic warfare capabilities.
The Air Force continues to enhance development, production, and integration of critical munitions for air superiority. The FY12 budget requests funds for the development and full-rate production of the AIM-9X Block 2; development, integration, and production of the AIM-120D; and development and integration of the AGM-88 HARM control section modification. The FY12 budget also requests research and development funding for the .Next Generation Missile,. an air launched missile to replace both the AIM-120D and the AGM-88. This funding will provide for a competitive prototype demonstration and technical development preceding entrance into the Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase of the program.
Other key enhancements in the FY12 budget request include the development and fielding of new training range equipment and updates to threat systems to provide realistic combat training. Among these are the P5 Combat Training System and Joint Threat Emitters. Also, the FY12 budget request provides procurement of F-16 Block 40/50 Full-Mission Simulators, affording high-fidelity simulation for use in Distributed Mission Operations. Enhanced opportunities to migrate aircrew training into high fidelity simulators will help realize efficiencies in the peacetime flying hour program, as well as support energy efficiency.
The proposed FY12 investments will sustain America's air superiority advantage and expand the multi-role capability of the Air Force's most advanced aircraft. Additionally, these investments continue the development and procurement of electronic warfare capabilities and preferred air-to-air munitions.
The Air Force continues to provide unparalleled airlift and air refueling capability to support our national defense. Mobility forces provide a vital deployment and sustainment capability for Joint and Coalition forces, globally delivering equipment, personnel, and materiel essential for missions ranging from major combat to humanitarian relief operations worldwide.
The Air Force is accelerating the retirement of our oldest legacy airlifters, the C-5A and C-130E, in FY11. Airlift capacity and capability will be maintained through continued recapitalization and modernization. The Air Force will take delivery of seven C-130Js, and continue to ensure world-wide airspace access through avionics modernization of C-130H2/3, KC-10 and the C-5. In 2010, the C-27J completed transition from a Joint to an Air Force-led program, and we continued C-27J procurement as an investment in overall fleet viability.
The FY12 budget request balances tanker and airlift requirements to ensure that we sustain the critical needs of the warfighter. This is accomplished by prioritizing recapitalization of the tanker aircraft while ensuring the continued viability of the legacy fleet. Tanker capability investments of $877 million are heavily weighted toward our top acquisition priority, the KC-X program. The Air Force submitted a Request for Proposal for a KC-X replacement tanker in February 2010, and is anticipating contract award in early 2011. While moving aggressively to recapitalize the tanker fleet, we also continue maintaining the health of legacy aircraft. The budget includes $147.4 million in FY12 for the airspace access requirement and sustainment of the KC-10 and KC-135 fleets.
In conjunction with the continued procurement of C-130Js, the FY12 budget continues to modernize C-130Hs through the Avionics Modernization Program, ensuring continued global airspace access. Similar efforts to modernize C-5 avionics remain on track and the C-5B/C Reliability Enhancement and Re-engine Program (RERP) has completed operational testing. In October 2010, OSD approved RERP for full rate production with the final C-5M .Super Galaxy. scheduled for delivery in the third quarter of FY16. Additionally, in accordance with the results of the Mobility Capabilities and Requirements Study 2016, and subject to authorization by the Congress, we intend to retire some of the oldest, least capable C-5As and C-130H1s. The C-17 Globemaster III remains the backbone of our Nation's strategic airlift fleet, and the Air Force takes delivery of 11 new C-17s in FY11 and eight in FY12. These additions bring the total C-17 fleet to 221 aircraft. The Air Force will continue to modernize its mature C-17s to the production line standard by accelerating the Block 13-17 upgrade program, and retrofitting the aircraft with extended range fuel tanks and an improved on-board inert gas generating system.
Efforts to increase direct support airlift continue, with plans to beddown 38 C-27Js in the Air National Guard. The Air Force continues Operational Support Aircraft/Very Important Person Special Airlift Mission modernization with the upgrade of VC-25 avionics, with completion in FY18 enabling unrestricted global access for the Presidential aircraft.
The Air Force continues to rapidly increase its ISR capability and capacity to support all military operations. Air Force ISR provides timely, fused, and actionable intelligence to the Joint force from forward-deployed locations and distributed processing centers around the globe.
The exceptional operational value of Air Force ISR assets has led Joint force commanders in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa to continually increase their requests for support. To help meet this demand, the Air Force currently has more than 90 percent of all available ISR assets deployed. Over the last two years, the Air Force increased the number of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) and completed deployment of 30 MC-12W Project Liberty aircraft to theater to complement remotely piloted capabilities. This is being accomplished as we transitioning MC-12W Liberty Project from OCO funding into the Air Force baseline budget beginning in FY13. Additionally, the Air National Guard, already full partners in the RPA enterprise, has also deployed the RC-26B in support of operations in Iraq. Finally, both the Air Force and Air National Guard operate the RC-135 RIVET JOINT and SENIOR SCOUT, respectively, in support of global signals intelligence taskings.
In FY11, we will increase the number of CAPs in theater to 50, maximize the MQ-9 production rate to 48 per year, complete the procurement of eleven RQ-4 Block 40, and will deliver five additional MC-12W aircraft. We also will maintain our current Joint Surveillance Target Attack and Radar System-based Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) capability as we complete an Analysis of Alternatives to determine the future of GMTI.
Our FY12 ISR budget request of $8.2 billion fully supports the Joint force emphasis on ISR capacity and allows the Air Force to sustain maximum MQ-9 production and achieve 65 RPA CAPs in theater by the end of FY13. In intelligence production, we corrected an internal
Operation and Maintenance shortfall within the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System to sustain intelligence analysis and dissemination. The budget request also continues support for the U-2 Dragon Lady manned aircraft through the end of FY15 to ensure a smooth high-altitude transition to the unmanned RQ-4 Global Hawk. This extension enables a measured reduction of the U-2 program as RQ-4 Block 30 aircraft become operational and ensures continued support to national leadership, Combatant Commanders and Joint warfighters.
The FY12 ISR budget also realigns resources within the RQ-4 program to correct a $979 million diminishing manufacturing sources disconnect across the FYDP. To optimize our support of the overall RQ-4 program, the Air Force decided to curtail production of the RQ-4 Block 40 at eleven aircraft. This decision allows the Air Force to fully support and sustain the required RQ-4 Block 40 capability already procured and concentrate on fielding effective Block 30 multiple intelligence platforms on time.
The DoD, civilian agencies and our Nation rely on space capabilities developed and operated by the Air Force. The FY12 space superiority budget request of $11.6 billion will enable the Air Force to field, upgrade and sustain vital space systems for the Joint warfighter. As part of the Joint force, we integrate and operate these capabilities to execute the space support, force enhancement, space control and force application missions; and, as launch agent for both the defense and intelligence sectors, provide reliable and timely space access for national security purposes.
Space capabilities provide the United States and our allies' unprecedented national security advantages in national decision-making, military operations, and homeland security. The Air Force's budget priorities align closely with the goals and principles outlined in the National Space Policy (NSP) and support the DoD's National Security Space Strategy (NSSS) and the National Military Strategy with specific emphasis on building international partnerships to establish mutually beneficial space capabilities and developing a better understanding of the space domain. International agreements are being pursued to expand space-based communication capability through the procurement of a ninth Wideband Global SATCOM satellite (WGS-9), and to meet National Search and Rescue requirements by working to integrate the Canadian-provided Distress Alerting Satellite Systems as a secondary payload on GPS Block III Increment B and C satellites. Additionally, realizing the space domain is becoming increasingly congested, contested and competitive, we will continue efforts to establish a Space Situational Awareness (SSA) partnership with Australia by jointly employing and operating a space object detect and track radar in Australia. This system will provide better understanding of the current and future strategic space environment and establish a foundation for continuing nation-to-nation cooperation.
In close cooperation with OSD and the Office of Management and Budget, the FY12 Air Force budget request proposes a new acquisition strategy for buying military spacecraft, Evolutionary Acquisition for Space Efficiency (EASE). The current practice of procuring satellites one-at-a-time or on a just-in-time basis has inadvertently increased costs due to production line breaks, parts obsolescence, and inefficient use of labor. Numerous space experts and Congressional committees have expressed concern with the inefficiency and disruption caused by the status quo approach to procuring satellites. EASE is an acquisition strategy that encompasses the following tenets: block buys of satellites, fixed price contracting, stable research and development investment, and a modified annual funding approach. We believe this approach will result in savings that can be reinvested in research and development that will further improve the performance and lower the cost of follow-on systems. Commitment to satellite production and reinvestment in technology development provides stability and predictability for a fragile space industrial base.
The Air Force budget request reflects the use of EASE for acquisition of the next blocks of Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) protected communications satellites in FY12 and Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS)-Geosynchronous missile warning satellites in FY13. Once the EASE approach is proven, we will examine the application of this acquisition strategy to a wider portfolio of space programs. Relying on a combination of regular appropriations, advance appropriations, and multi-year procurement authority, the EASE proposal is consistent with the full funding principle and is a critical part of the Air Force's efficiency agenda. The Air Force recognizes the need to work with Congress to define and obtain the necessary legislative authorities to achieve our vision.
Spacelift is a critical component of the national security space enterprise. Despite our having achieved a record 76 consecutive successful launches since 1999, spacelift is still a complex and costly undertaking. Three recent launch studies reached the same conclusion that immediate commitment to a fixed annual production rate for launch vehicles is imperative to sustain the industrial base and control costs. To ensure this commitment, the FY12 budget submission requests an additional $3.5 billion across the FYDP to procure five DoD launches each year. In addition, the Air Force is working aggressively to reduce the cost of providing this critical launch capability. Additionally, the Air Force is collaborating with the NRO and NASA to explore synergistic solutions to maintain a healthy industrial base and meet government launch requirements.
Our Combatant Commanders and national leadership rely on satellite communications for continuous secure communications around the world. In FY10, we successfully launched the third Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite and first AEHF satellite. AEHF will provide ten times the throughput and greater than five times the data rate of the current MILSTAR II Satellite Communication System. To increase the effectiveness of our Joint warfighting operations, we are expanding communications capability with the launch of another WGS satellite in FY12. Each WGS satellite delivers the equivalent capacity of the entire existing Defense Satellite Communications System constellation. WGS has become the keystone for international cooperation measures in space, with our Australian allies funding the sixth WGS satellite in return for a portion of the overall bandwidth. We requested $469 million in the FY12 budget request to fully fund WGS to meet Combatant Commander's bandwidth requirements. These essential systems provide our forces the vital communications needed to remain effectively coordinated, synchronized, and responsive in global operations.
For over 20 years, GPS has been the global standard for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) and is used in everything from consumer automobiles, precision farming and smart phones, to enabling the Nation's most sophisticated weaponry and financial systems. In FY11, we will continue to launch GPS Block IIF satellites to maintain the constellation as a global utility. The FY12 budget request includes $1.7 billion for PNT capability and incorporates initial funding of the next generation GPS III satellite production, development of the next-generation operational control segment and upgraded military user equipment.
Our FY12 budget request also includes $87 million for the Operationally Responsive Space program to pursue innovative capabilities that can be rapidly developed and fielded in months rather than years to respond to Combatant Commanders' immediate space requirements. In the critical areas of missile warning and SSA, we requested $1.2 billion for the SBIRS program, which will launch the first geosynchronous satellite in FY11 to begin our transition to a highly effective space-based missile warning system, and $122.1 million for the Joint Space Operation Center Mission System. We will continue to improve SSA ground-based systems and space-based capabilities to ensure continued freedom to operate in the space domain. The Air Force also recognizes that space capabilities are essential to the nuclear enterprise for its operational readiness, providing key decision making information through missile warning and nuclear event detection, along with essential communications. Weather and forecasting data is another important source of information for our forces in peacetime and in conflict. We requested $444.9 million for the Defense Weather Satellite System in FY12. This system will replace the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program in the early morning orbit slot, ensuring continuity of detailed overhead weather imagery and sensing information. All elements of space capability must operate through the full spectrum of potential contingencies.
While participating, last year, in the DoD's development of the national long-term space strategy as part of the Space Posture Review and Quadrennial Defense Review, the Air Force recognized a need to review our own internal space governance structure to better position us to properly execute the direction resulting from these reviews. During our review, the position of the Under Secretary of the Air Force was identified as the focal point for oversight of all Air Force space activities. In addition, space acquisition responsibilities were consolidated in the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition. At the DoD level, the Secretary of the Air Force was revalidated as the DoD Executive Agent (EA) for Space. The EA is charged with the integration and assessment of the DoD overall space program, the conduct and oversight of long-term space planning and architecture development, and the facilitation of increased cooperation with the intelligence community. The EA also chairs the newly established Defense Space Council with representatives from across the DoD, and was directed to establish a jointly manned space office to restructure and replace the current National Security Space Office. This organization will not only better position the DoD to coordinate implementation of space policy and strategy, it will also provide the framework for the DoD's support for development of new national security space capabilities. Furthermore, the Secretary of the Air Force, in his role as the EA for Space is fully engaged with the DoD in the implementation of the recent NSP and NSSS.
The Air Force FY12 budget request includes $4.6 billion to sustain and maintain our critical cyberspace capabilities and to enable Air Force expeditionary and CONUS-based operations in support of Joint force commanders. The Air Force contributes to the Joint force by developing, integrating, and operating cyberspace capabilities in three mission areas: support, defense, and offense.
Cyberspace superiority enables precise force application in all domains, generates effects across the full spectrum of operations, and preserves an agile and resilient cyberspace infrastructure for assured mission execution.
Access to cyberspace is increasingly critical to meet Joint and allied requirements for freedom of maneuver in all domains. Air Force networks face a continuous barrage of assaults from state-sponsored actors, terror networks, international criminal organizations, individual hackers, and all level of threats in between. We are expanding collaboration with Service, Joint, Interagency, academic, and international partners on several cyber initiatives to safeguard our access to the cyberspace domain. To this end, we are operationalizing our approach to cyberspace with emphasis in this budget request on protecting the Air Force infrastructure, developing expertise to meet mission needs, and accelerating our acquisition processes.
The 24th Air Force, the Air Force component of U.S. Cyber Command, achieved FOC on October 1, 2010, and the Air Force will expand the cyber rapid acquisition process to cope with constantly evolving technologies. The Air Force is also aligning education and training programs with our operational approach to cyberspace to properly develop our cyberspace professionals. In December 2010, we graduated our first cadre of cyberspace operators. Additionally, efforts to enhance the cyber-related investigative and forensic capabilities resident in the Air Force are forging a solid foundation for Service and Joint cooperation. For example, Air Force Space Command transitioned the Defense Cyber Crime Center back to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations to help strengthen the ties.
The Air Force has strengthened its efforts in the support mission area by continuing work on the Single Air Force Network migration, which increases situational awareness of Air Force networks while securely improving information sharing and transport capabilities. Examples of this support are reflected in several investments in this budget. The Air Force continues to support its capability for live, virtual, and constructive simulation and training. Based on the Fort Hood follow-on review, enhancements were made to the Installation Emergency Management system to ensure a standardized, robust emergency notification system.
For the defense mission area, the Air Force invested in additional network defenders to increase protection of information vital to Joint force operations. The Air Force continues to invest in network defense tools and other advanced technologies to monitor and secure classified and unclassified networks.
In the offensive mission area, the Air Force seeks to field appropriate and sanctioned capabilities supporting assigned missions. The Air Force established formal training programs for both initial and mission qualification to provide trained forces to U.S. Cyber Command when tasked. Additionally, as the lead support agency to U.S. Cyber Command, the Air Force is responsible for the construction and installed infrastructure for the new U.S. Cyber Command Integrated Cyber Center at Fort Meade, Maryland.
Command and Control (C2) of our forces has never been more vital or more difficult than in the 21st century. Supporting the National Security Strategy requires commanders to integrate operations in multiple theaters, at multiple levels, and across the full range of military activity. Secure strategic and nuclear C2 remains an Air Force priority. The Air Force must sustain, modify, and enhance current command and control systems, and develop deployable, scalable and modular systems that are interoperable with Joint, Interagency and Coalition partners.
In FY11, we will improve assured communication links for U.S. Strategic Command's Distributed Command and Control Node and U.S. Northern Command's National Capital Region-Integrated Air Defense System. The Air Force has also done the following: expanded the training pipelines for Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs); began fielding advanced video downlinks, and airborne radio and datalink gateways to improve the connectivity of air support operations centers and JTACs; and modernized the 1970s-era technology of the E-3 airborne C2 node with the Block 40/45 program. In addition, the Air Force created pipeline training in support of the warfighting elements of the Commander, Air Force Forces theater staff.
In FY12, the Air Force requests $6.3 billion for full spectrum C2 sustainment, replacement, and development efforts. Of note, $19.1 million is requested to bolster the Air and Space Operations Center's (AOC) C2 capability and interoperability with programmed Joint systems to execute the Integrated Air and Missile Defense mission. Secure and reliable strategic level communications are improved with a $53.2 million request for modernization to Senior Leader Command and Control Communication Systems for senior leader support aircraft and the E-4 National Airborne Operations Center. Support to Combatant Commanders is also enhanced with almost $60 million in FY12 for improved airborne and mobile C2 systems. The Air Force maintained our commitment to the Joint development of the Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar. Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar will be the future long-range, mobile ground-based sensor for detecting, identifying, tracking, and reporting aircraft and missiles in defended airspace. Additionally, the United States secured a cooperative development position in the NATO Airborne Warning and Control System avionics and navigation modernization program.
Geographic Combatant Commanders and U.S. Special Operations Command rely heavily on Air Force Special Operations (AFSOC) capabilities to support missions worldwide. As the DoD continues to develop capabilities effective against irregular and hybrid threats, increased Air Force Special Operations close air support, foreign internal defense and ISR capabilities will be required.
In FY11, the Air Force will continue procurement of five CV-22s and MC-130Js for the recapitalization of AFSOC's MC-130E/P and AC-130H aircraft. The FY12 budget request includes an investment of $503.7 million toward recapitalization of AFSOC's MC-130H/W fleet, with an additional investment of $26 million across the FYDP to align MC-130J program funding with OSD cost estimates. Additional investments were made to enhance CV-22 mission capability with upgraded cockpit data recording and Communication Navigation System/Air Traffic Management modifications. Finally, a low-cost engine wiring modification allowed the Air Force to realize a $9.6 million efficiency and reduce MC-130J spare engine inventories.
Personnel recovery (PR) remains a vital core function in support of every contingency operation. The increased utilization of military and civilian personnel in support of OCO has significantly increased the demand for Air Force rescue forces beyond the conventional combat search and rescue mission. Air Force PR forces are fully engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, accomplishing lifesaving medical and casualty evacuation missions, while also supporting domestic civil land and maritime search and rescue, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HA/DR) and mass casualty evacuation missions.
In FY11, the Air Force will continue to recapitalize HC-130N/P aircraft and procure H-60 Blackhawk helicopters under the operations loss replacement (OLR) program to restore the fleet to 112 HH-60G aircraft. The FY12 request funds four HH-60G OLR aircraft, and provides a $2 billion investment for procurement of 54 HH-60 replacement aircraft across the FYDP. We will also accelerate the procurement of our HC-130J rescue/tanker aircraft by procuring three aircraft in FY12 to replace the 1960s-era HC-130P fleet on a one-for-one basis, up to 37 aircraft. Finally, the FY12 budget funds $73 million for the Guardian Angel program which will standardize and modernize mission essential equipment for an additional five pararescue teams.
Developing mutually beneficial partnerships with militaries around the world is vital for the Air Force. Successful partnerships ensure interoperability, integration and interdependence between Coalition forces while providing our partner nations the capability and capacity to resolve their own national security challenges. Today's engagements require Airmen to perform their duties effectively and achieve influence in culturally-complex environments around the globe.
The Air Force continues to emphasize extensive language skills and regional knowledge in its growing cadre of Regional Affairs Strategists. These personnel possess a regionally-focused advanced academic degree and language proficiency. They work with partner nations as attaches and Security Cooperation Officers. Political-Military Affairs Strategists and best-fit officers also fill positions requiring in-depth understanding of the interagency processes key to building partnerships. The Air Force has also increased the culture and language content of selected pre-deployment training courses and recently inaugurated a new language learning program--the Language Enabled Airman Program. This program provides an opportunity to create a cadre of language-capable Airmen who are deliberately developed for requirements, leverages the capability attained in foreign language accession programs, and provides a systemic opportunity for these Airmen to maintain these skills throughout their careers. Our FY12 budget request includes funding to expand foreign language instruction for officer commissioning programs as well.
The Air Force continues to engage our international partners across the spectrum of operations. The fielding of the F-35, Joint Strike Fighter, will further our partnerships with more established allies, while the three C-17s procured for the 12-nation Strategic Airlift Capability are fully operational and currently meeting the airlift requirements of our European allies. We are funding new initiatives which support longer term Building Partnerships Capacity (BPC) efforts. For instance, $65.7 million was budgeted toward the procurement of 15 Light Mobility Aircraft (LiMA) to assist partner nations in building their airlift capability in FY11. These aircraft are scheduled to be fielded and achieve initial operating capability (IOC) in the second quarter of FY12. We are also requesting $159 million in FY12 to procure the first nine of 15 Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance (LAAR) aircraft. These LAAR aircraft will be used to train a cadre of pilots who will subsequently export their BPC aviation skills to international partners who may operate the same or similar platforms. To ensure the proper capability is provided to build partner capacity by Contingency Response Forces, LiMA and LAAR personnel, we funded the formal establishment of an Air Advisor Academy in FY11 to expand our current efforts that include training air advisors heading to Iraq and Afghanistan and training air advisors for engagements globally. English language proficiency is a prerequisite to nearly all of the education and training that the Services provide to our partner nations. To meet increasing partner demand for English language training, the FY12 Air Force program expands the capacity at the Defense Language Institute English Language Center.
Underpinning the work of all Air Force Core Functions are the capabilities included in agile combat support (ACS). ACS is the ability to create, protect, and sustain air and space forces across the full spectrum of military operations and spans a diverse set of Air Force functional capabilities. The FY12 budget request of $33.8 billion for ACS accounts for efforts affecting our entire Air Force--from the development and training of our Airmen to regaining acquisition excellence.
Airmen and Families. The Air Force is proud of its commitment to supporting its Airmen and families. The nearly two decades of sustained combat operations has imposed extraordinary demands on them and underscores the need to remain focused on sustaining quality of life and supporting programs as a top priority. To help address the demands, in 2010 the Air Force executed the Year of the Air Force Family and highlighted support programs focused on three outcomes:
. Fostering a Strong Air Force Community;
. Strengthening an Airman's Sense of Belonging; and
. Improving Airman and Family Resiliency.
The Year of the Air Force Family deepened leadership's understanding of current support services and capabilities and what needs to be done in the future to maintain and improve outcomes in the three primary focus areas.
First, the Air Force will maintain an enduring emphasis on Airmen and families by actively engaging the entire Air Force Community: Total Force Airmen, Department of the Air Force civilians, single and married personnel, primary and extended family members, retirees, and on and off-base community partners. The Air Force will maintain an atmosphere that is supportive, team-oriented, and inclusive, but diverse enough to meet the current and emerging needs of the entire Air Force Community. Policy and process priorities have been translated into actions and tasks that will be accomplished over the next few years, perpetuating the Air Force's commitment to strengthening our ties to one another, improving our operational abilities and ensuring our Air Force Community is best positioned to meet future commitments and requirements.
Second, we continue to strengthen our Air Force Community by expanding child care through different programs such as the Extended Duty Program, Home Community Care, Missile Care, and the new Supplemental Child Care initiative to provide flexibility in meeting child care needs. In FY11, the Air Force will continue to demonstrate our commitment to military child education, funding full time School Liaison Officers (SLO) Air Force-wide. SLOs and our new Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program Coordinators will work in close collaboration to address educational and other assistance for families with special needs. The Air Force FY12 budget request includes $4 million to assist with respite child care for military family members with special needs children.
Third, the budget reflects a $4.4 million increase to our Air Force Mortuary Affairs program, supporting travel for family members from home of record to Dover Port Mortuary to receive and honor fallen loved ones. Increases also reflect our commitment to maintaining the Port Mortuary's Center for the Families of the Fallen, used as the reception facility and host site for visiting family members at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.
Airman dining facilities remain an important commitment of the Air Force as we plan to increase funding for dining facilities at basic military training and technical training bases by $14.9 million in FY12. In FY11, we launched the Food Transformation Initiative (FTI) to address Airmen's concerns with dining facility closings, lack of healthy food options, and insufficient hours of operation. FTI is designed to enhance food quality, variety and availability while maintaining home base and warfighting capabilities.
The Air Force continues to expand our efforts to improve resiliency of Airmen and their families before, during, and after deployments and has significantly expanded capabilities to ensure support and reintegration of our Total Force. In continuing its efforts to improve the resiliency of Airmen and their families, the Air Force moved forward with several initiatives in 2010.
We established a new Resiliency Division at the Air Force level to take the lead and develop an overarching Air Force Resiliency Roadmap. The Deployment Transition Center (DTC) was established at Ramstein Air Base, Germany on July 1, 2010. The DTC and Chaplain Corps Care for the Caregiver programs provide valuable decompression, reintegration and resiliency training for those exposed to significant danger and stress in combat zones. To support these efforts, the Air Force FY12 budget request includes $8 million for the Air Force Resiliency Program for research, curriculum development, materials and intervention training for the DTC. We will continue to develop our Airman Resiliency Program by identifying needs, researching best practices, partnering with internal and external organizations, and developing targeted and tiered training that is integrated into an Airman's career to allow a building block approach that leads to life-long resiliency that benefits both Airmen and their families. We are also requesting an increase in the Chaplain Recruitment program by $1.5 million in FY12 to better provide for religious accommodation and support of Airmen. This includes chaplain-led MarriageCare Retreats, that help heal and save marriages, and deployment reintegration programs expanded to meet the needs of redeploying Airmen.
The Air Force is highly committed to the Wounded Warrior Program that ensures access to medical and rehabilitation treatments for the ill and wounded. The Air Force Warrior and Survivor Care Division is dedicated to building a culture of understanding and concern for wounded, ill and injured Airmen. The Air Force has hired 33 Recovery Care Coordinators and a Program Manager to support 31 locations across the Air Force. Recovery Care Coordinators serve as the focal point for non-clinical case management, development of comprehensive recovery plans and creation of timelines for personal and career accomplishments. Additionally, the Air Force has implemented new personnel policies regarding retention, retraining, promotions, assignments and evaluation of Wounded Warriors. In FY12, the Air Force is requesting $2.8 million for additional case workers and program managers to provide non-clinical case management services to meet the growing demands of the Wounded Warrior population.
Healthcare Initiatives and Costs. As key team members of the federal and Military Health System (MHS), the Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) is seeking innovative solutions to deliver world class care while slowing the rising costs of healthcare. For example, the AFMS is taking the lead in building the largest patient centered medical home capability in the DoD over the next 12 months. This includes the Family Health Initiative, designed to improve continuity of care and healthier outcomes. Additional emphasis is being placed on delivering better care by streamlining our hospital surgical operations and improving the experience of care. Current efforts have demonstrated recapture of services in key market areas with the overall results of reduced cost, increased currency of our surgeons, and improved patient satisfaction. In addition, the AFMS is transitioning from healthcare delivery to delivering health. Through patient-centered care, improved teamwork with our patients, and leveraging partnerships with DoD, VA and civilian institutions, Air Force medicine is shaping the future of healthcare.
Our strategy to control DoD healthcare costs is the right approach to manage the benefit while improving quality and satisfaction. Adjustments to the benefit such as raising TRICARE enrollment fees for working retirees, phasing out enrollment for some high-cost health plans, paying community hospital Medicare rates, and incentivizing the use of the most effective outlets for prescriptions is prudent. There will be limited impact (prescription only) on active duty family members. By implementing these important measures, we will be able to positively address the rising costs of healthcare and improve the health of our population.
Suicides. Air Force suicide rates have been on the rise since 2007, although primary risk factors for suicide among Airmen remain the same. The most commonly identified stressors and risk factors have remained the same over the last ten years: relationships, financial problems and legal problems. Although deployments can stress Airmen and their families, deployment does not seem to be an individual risk factor for Airmen--many Airmen who have committed suicide have never deployed. The Air Force is providing additional support to our most at-risk Airmen by providing additional frontline supervisor suicide prevention training to all supervisors in career fields with elevated suicide rates. In addition, mental health providers are based in primary care clinics across the Air Force to counsel patients who may not otherwise seek care in a mental health clinic because of the perceived stigma. The Air Force has significantly expanded counseling services in addition to those available through the chaplains or the mental health clinic.
Other helpful programs that provide non-medical counseling include Military Family Life Consultants, which can see individuals or couples, and Military OneSource, which provides sessions for active duty for up to twelve off-base sessions.
Fort Hood. In the wake of the Fort Hood shooting, the Secretary of Defense directed the Air Force to conduct a follow-on review to identify ways to better protect Airmen and families. Our review yielded 118 findings and 151 recommendations. The key revelation of the study is that we must do a better job of preventing and responding to violence. Specifically, we must improve our ability to identify indicators of potential violence and share that information with those who are best positioned to prevent a violent outcome. This will require improved understanding, education, processes and training, as well as more integrated processes at both the installation and interagency levels. To undertake these efforts, the FY12 budget request includes $37 million across the FYDP. We anticipate that our resource requirements will increase as we refine the implementation of our recommendations. We are confident that the resources Congress provides, coupled with our sustained effort, will help the Air Force reduce the likelihood of tragedies like Fort Hood and position us to respond more effectively should prevention fail.
Information Protection. The Air Force will enhance its capabilities to assess and mitigate risks to national security information across the enterprise. It will advance efforts to identify risks that reduce the surety of research, development, and acquisition and operations or enable potential opponents to illicitly increase their technological capabilities. These efforts will enable commanders to effectively execute intelligence-led, risk based protection across the Air Force.
Science and Technology. Air Force warfighting capabilities have a proud heritage of being born from the very best science and technology (SandT) our Nation can produce. The creation of the Air Force is closely intertwined with the development of advances in SandT. In 2010, the Air Force presented the .Technology Horizons Study. to serve as a roadmap for guiding Air Force science and technology investments during the next 20 years. Despite current fiscal constraints, the Air Force is increasing its investment in basic research by $18 million and in Advanced Technology Development by $76 million, while continuing FY11-level investment in Applied Research.
Acquisition Excellence. The Air Force continues to strive for acquisition excellence by increasing the rigor and transparency of its processes and by stabilizing requirements and funding. As one of our top five Air Force priorities, we have taken a multi-faceted approach to recapturing acquisition excellence to include:
. Rebuilding the acquisition workforce;
. Delivering a fully implemented Acquisition Improvement Plan (AIP) to guide and shape current and future efforts;
. Creating a foundation for a robust Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) function within acquisition; and
. Implementing approximately 75 efficiency initiatives that range in scope and impact throughout the acquisition enterprise.
Continued improvements support moving resources from "tail to tooth" to fully support the Air Force's direct mission activities. Efficiency savings in overhead, support and other less mission-essential areas will increase funding available for our critical mission functions. The Air Force, as a good steward of taxpayer resources, is committed to delivering products and services that perform as promised--on time, within budget, and in compliance with all laws, policies and regulations.
An example of the successful implementation of recapturing acquisition excellence is the consolidation of FY08 OCO, FY09 OCO and base-year funding, FY10 base-year funding, and Foreign Military Sales C-130J contracts into one negotiation. By taking advantage of economies of scale, the Air Force realized a savings and was able to procure two additional C-130Js. This effort reduced the number of aircraft the Air Force needs to buy in the out years to meet its requirement.
Installations and Operational Energy. The Air Force views energy efficiency as a mission enabler that can increase combat effectiveness, expand reach and minimize operational risks. The Air Force is integrating energy considerations across the Air Force enterprise with a three-pronged approach: reduce demand, increase supply, and culture change. We can identify efficiencies that increase our capabilities and reduce our costs, while also increasing and diversifying our energy supply to improve our energy security and our ability to meet our critical operational requirements. Finally, by creating a culture that makes energy a consideration in everything we do, and that values energy as a limited mission-critical resource, we ensure enduring and far-reaching utilization improvements and savings.
As part of our institutional effort to utilize energy to maximize mission effectiveness, the Air Force is requesting over $550 million for energy initiatives in FY12. Initiatives include investments in reliable alternative energy resources, enhancing energy efficiency, and reducing environmental impacts and life cycle costs. In addition, the Air Force is continuing to take steps to reduce mission risk by increasing critical infrastructure resiliency to ensure reliable energy availability at Air Force installations.
We have reduced energy use at facilities by nearly 15 percent since 2003, and expect to achieve nearly a 30 percent reduction by 2015. In addition, we have instituted a number of fuel saving initiatives and reduced the amount of fuel our aircraft have consumed by over 46 million gallons since 2006, despite increased operational requirements associated with ongoing operations. The Air Force is continuing to explore opportunities to reduce demand for aviation fuel. For example, the 618th Tanker Airlift Control Center is optimizing flying routes by working clearances to allow flights to transit through previously denied airspace. We can save the Air
Force an estimated 2.6 million gallons of fuel per year by optimizing our flight routes and clearances. Some of the initiatives we will pursue to achieve fuel efficiencies are:
. Providing aircrews in-flight guidance on the optimum airspeed and altitude based on current flight conditions;
. Expanding the use of simulators to conduct training;
. Implementing a program, already an industry standard, that cleans components allowing the engine to run cooler saving fuel and prolonging engine life; and
. Refining fuel and cargo policies to reduce carrying costs and potentially the number of missions required to support the Combatant Commanders.
We are also increasing the energy supplies we can use to meet our mission. We have certified over 99 percent of our aircraft fleet for unrestricted operational use of a synthetic aviation fuel blend. This fuel can be produced domestically, and we are looking to industry to help us meet our needs. We are in the process of certifying our fleet to use biofuel blends as well. These alternatives provide our fleet with additional flexibility and enable our freedom of action. The Air Force is also looking at alternative sources for energy at our facilities. In the upcoming years, we will quadruple on-base solar energy production and dramatically increase the amount of wind energy consumed. These clean sources of energy will serve to enhance our energy security.
The Air Force is working cooperatively with the Army and the Marines to reduce fuel requirements at forward operating bases by decreasing energy demand, utilizing efficient power distribution and increasing alternative supplies. These bases require generators, typically running on diesel, that require fuel to be brought in by convoy. We are working to improve the energy efficiency of our Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources assets, commonly called BEAR, in the expeditionary environment. One of the Air Force's efforts is focused on reducing the energy demand for expeditionary shelters by 50 percent, while using photovoltaic tent flys to generate a minimum of three kilowatts per shelter. We are also working with industry to design a portable, expandable microgrid for our remote airfields. The system will integrate solar, wind and other renewable sources of energy into the existing BEAR power grid, reducing the system's reliance on traditional, carbon-based fuel by as much as 25 percent. It will be able to withstand the harsh conditions in which our military operates. More importantly, it will help reduce the inherent wartime dangers that come with delivering the fuel by convoy.
We have made significant and positive progress in reducing our consumption, increasing the energy available to the operational Air Force and changing the culture within the Air Force to ensure energy is a consideration in everything we do. Energy availability and security impact all Air Force missions, operations and organizations. The Air Force will increase warfighting capabilities, and efficiency, and help the Nation reduce its dependence on imported oil by continuing to ensure energy availability and re-engineering our business processes to become more efficient.
Reducing Excess Physical Plant and Infrastructure. The FY12 budget request includes a $300 million demolition and $100 million consolidation investment to reduce long-term fixed costs through the consolidation and demolition of unneeded facilities and infrastructure. In line with the June 10, 2010 presidential memorandum, the Air Force intends to reduce energy use and curtail unnecessary sustainment activities by eliminating physical plant that is no longer needed.
MILCON. The Air Force's FY12 $1.4 billion MILCON request provides funding for our most critical requirements including new construction aligned with weapon system deliveries and the Combatant Command priorities. This includes projects supporting beddowns and upgrades for F-22, F-35, HC-130J, EC-130H, RPA and B-52, as well as projects supporting our mission support facilities most in need of recapitalization. The Air Force MILCON program supports the U.S. Strategic Command Headquarters replacement facility in three increments beginning in FY12, the new U.S. Cyber Command Headquarters in FY13, an additional phase of the Blatchford Preston Dormitory Complex at Al Udeid, Qatar, and an air freight terminal on Guam.
Additionally, the budget request sustains our effort to provide quality housing for Airmen and funds $254 million in improvements to meet DoD performance standards to provide 90 percent of our permanent party dorm rooms in good or fair (Q-1 or Q-2) condition. The Air Force investment strategy is to fund improvements in all Q-3 and Q-4 dorms, referred to as Tier 1 dorms in the 2008 Dorm Master Plan, by 2017.
The Air Force recognizes the critical role MILCON holds in successful mission execution and is taking action to increase MILCON funding in the near years of the FYDP--the Air Force proposes to increase MILCON in FY12, FY13, and FY14 by a combined $1.8 billion over the FY11 PB submission.
Finally, in an effort to ensure the most critical mission and infrastructure projects are funded first, the Air Force used asset management and efficient facility operations processes to evaluate MILCON requirements. In essence, the Air Force is considering how these projects and programs help reduce our out-year investment needs as part of our overall cost control strategy.
Logistics. WSS is a vital element in sustaining Air Force readiness. The Air Force faced a $7 billion increase in WSS requirements across the FYDP at the beginning of the FY12 budget cycle, largely due to increasing numbers of weapon systems, such as C-17, F-22 and MQ-1/9 aircraft that use contractor logistics support. We recognized that we cannot sustain that kind of growth in requirements, so we implemented a WSS end-to-end assessment to identify efficiencies with respect to supply chain management, centralized asset management, and depot performance.
We were able to reduce WSS investment from $7 billion to $4 billion through efficiencies in depot and supply chain processes identified in the assessment. While we will still experience growth, this $3 billion FYDP offset represents important savings that the Air Force applied elsewhere. Prior to the WSS end-to-end assessment, the sustainment funds requested in FY12 would have supported 80 percent of the WSS requirement. Following the assessment, and the resulting reduction in growth, the same amount of funds requested will actually support 84 percent of the FY12 WSS requirement.
While the peacetime flying hour program is fully funded, reprogramming may be necessary to cover increased fuel costs due to the volatility of fuel prices. Over the longer term, enactment of the DoD's legislative proposal for the Refined Petroleum Products Marginal Expense Transfer Account would reduce disruptions to operations and investment programs by providing the flexibility to meet fuel price fluctuations.
The Air Force is successfully fielding a pilot of the first increment of the Expeditionary Combat Support System (ECSS). We will conduct an independent cost estimate as part of, and in conjunction with, the ongoing Critical Change Review to assess the cost effectiveness of proceeding with additional ECSS releases that support retail and wholesale supply and depot maintenance activities. The Air Force will continue to maintain legacy logistics support systems while determining the best course of action for developing information technology tools to enhance the visibility and management of supplies and equipment.
Financial Improvements. The Chief Financial Officers' Act provides direction for achieving a clean audit through leadership commitment, modernized government financial management systems, and strengthened financial reporting. Sound financial management helps to ensure the maximum combat capability for each taxpayer dollar. The Air Force is committed to achieving the legislative requirement for a clean audit by 2017. While 2017 is a challenging deadline for a military organization as large and diverse as the Air Force, the strong engagement of Air Force leadership, additional financial resources provided in recent years, and focus on fielding effective financial systems will help achieve it. We are focusing our efforts on the information most relevant to decision makers, and the Air Force Financial Improvement Plan is closely aligned with the DoD strategy to achieve a clean audit.
Strategic Basing. In 2009, the Air Force established a standardized, repeatable, and transparent Strategic Basing Process. Guided by the Strategic Basing Executive Steering Group and coordinated through the lead Major Commands, over 115 basing actions have been accomplished ensuring that mission and Combatant Commander requirements are linked to installation attributes that identify those locations that are best suited to support any given mission. This process supports IOC, aircraft delivery, personnel movement, and other mission requirements. Recent improvements in the process have formalized actions to expedite simple, specialized or particularly time-sensitive basing initiatives, to support more timely decisions.
During 2011, the Air Force will utilize the Strategic Basing Process to support basing decisions for the MQ-1/9, LiMA, LAAR, and KC-X.
In developing our FY12 budget request, we looked at ways to maximize combat capability out of each taxpayer dollar by identifying waste, implementing efficiencies, pursuing continuous process improvement initiatives and making smart investments. Recognizing the need to shift resources from "tail to tooth," the Air Force identified efficiencies across the enterprise that will enable investments in enhancements to increase our warfighting capabilities. This includes the continued pursuit of cost-effective systems that leverage existing capabilities and maximize interoperability and integration of legacy and future systems.
Our ability to project Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power is constrained by the increasing costs to design and build platforms in a particularly challenging budget environment. Our FY12 budget request reflects the difficult choices that will allow the Air Force to provide the necessary capability, capacity, and versatility required to prevail in today's wars, prevent and deter conflict, prepare to defeat adversaries and succeed across the range of potential military operations--all the while preserving and enhancing the all-volunteer force.
We are confident in our Airmen. They are the best in the world, and we rely on them to meet any challenge, overcome any obstacle and defeat any enemy as long as they are given adequate resources. We are committed to excellence and we will deliver with your help. We ask that you support the Air Force budget request of $119 billion for FY12.
We remain mindful of our Nation's budgetary challenges and fiscal constraints, because fiscal responsibility is a national security imperative. This environment requires that we balance our capabilities between current combat operations and the need to address emerging threats and challenges. We continue to pursue cost-effective systems that leverage existing capabilities and maximize interoperability and integration of legacy and future systems. The commitment of the Air Force to collectively discern, access and provide tailored and scalable effects with Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power virtually anywhere in the world is reflected in our acquisition priorities. These priorities are:
. Tanker Recapitalization (KC-X);
. Joint Strike Fighter (F-35) Restructure and F-16 Service Life Extension Program (SLEP);
. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems;
. Long-Range Strike Family of Systems; and
. Space Systems and Launch Capability Acquisition Strategy.
Global Vigilance is the ability to provide surveillance around the world. As the demand for ISR continues to grow, the Air Force is aggressively fielding enhanced ISR capability and capacity across the widest range of military operations to counter threats and defeat our adversaries. The Air Force will continue to enhance space control and situational awareness capabilities, as well as space management, to ensure we operate effectively in the increasingly competitive, congested and contested space domain. This includes implementing the Evolutionary Acquisition for Space Efficiency (EASE) concept to drive down costs, improve stability in the fragile space industrial base, invest in technology that will lower risk for future programs, and achieve efficiencies through block buys of satellites. There is also an on-going collaboration between the Air Force, the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to maintain a healthy industrial base to meet government launch and range requirements in an efficient manner.
Global Reach is the ability to project capability responsively and advantageously without regard to distance. Air Force mobility assets are essential to Joint, Interagency and Coalition operations in peace and war as we provide critical supplies and personnel through strategic and tactical delivery--airlift and airdrop. Air refueling aircraft play an integral role by providing reach and persistence for aircraft to operate inter-theater and intra-theater, alike. As such, the procurement of the KC-X remains the top acquisition and recapitalization priority for the Air Force.
Global Power is the ability to hold at risk any target in the world. The Air Force must continue to modernize and recapitalize our aircraft inventory to remain effective against global and regional competitors as they continue to modernize and improve their own air defense capabilities and harden valued targets. We will continue to work with Congress to enhance capabilities in our existing fighter and bomber fleets to mitigate delays in the F-35 development and procurement programs. One key to that mitigation effort is a focused F-16 SLEP. We must sustain our ability to consistently hold any target on the planet at risk with the development of a Long-Range Strike Family of Systems capability--including a new penetrating bomber--to create desired effects across the full range of military operations in both permissive and contested environments. Lastly, a multi-faceted effort is underway to enhance our air superiority legacy fighters, maximize the capabilities of the F-22 fleet, invest in preferred air-to-air munitions, and optimize our electronic warfare systems.
The Air Force must take the necessary steps today that will allow future generations to continue to provide consistent, credible and effective air, space and cyber capabilities on which our Nation depends. Our ability to do so is constrained by the increasing costs to design and build platforms and by the accelerating costs of personnel benefits and other must-pay operational bills in a particularly challenging budget environment. We will ensure we maximize combat capability out of each taxpayer dollar by identifying waste, implementing efficiencies, pursuing continuous process improvement initiatives and making smart investments. We will provide the necessary capability, capacity and versatility required to prevail today and in the future.
Lastly, our FY12 budget request recognizes the need to properly manage our force structure. We recognize that our most valuable assets--our people--are critical to achieving our broadest strategic goals, and our near- and far-term mission success is inextricably linked to the overall well-being of our Airmen and their families.
Operating without a defense appropriations bill in FY11 is having a significant impact on the Air Force. Under a Continuing Resolution (CR), we are unable to raise procurement to requested levels in several critical areas. Constraining MQ-9 procurement to 24 aircraft versus the 48 requested will delay our ability to reach the Secretary of Defense's directed goal of 65 MQ-1/9 Combat Air Patrols (CAPs) by 2013 in support of ongoing operations in Afghanistan. The inability to initiate a contract for the Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS)-7 satellite will cause a production break and a likely increase in unit cost. Production breaks and delayed procurements will also negatively affect the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), F-15 active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, F-15 APG 63 radar, and other programs. In addition to these impacts, deeper reductions to our modernization programs would be required to fund over $3 billion in must-pay bills for urgent operational needs in Afghanistan and Iraq, military healthcare, and the military pay raise of 1.4 percent, which was authorized by Congress and is being implemented, but was not funded. FY11 appropriations are also required for 75 military construction (MILCON) projects, now on hold, which support on-going operational needs and improve the quality of life for Air Force personnel and their families. Lastly, the Air Force would have to delay or cancel some depot maintenance, weapon system sustainment and other day-to-day activities in order to prioritize our most critical needs under the lower funding levels in a full year CR.
In summary, continuing the CR far beyond March 4 would severely impact program and budget execution in the Air Force, delaying modernization and causing significant restructuring and potential cost increases to many acquisition programs, and creating larger backlogs for maintenance and other operations. Passing a FY11 defense appropriations bill is essential to avoid these severe disruptions.
In June 2010, the Secretary of Defense challenged the Services to increase funding for mission activities by identifying efficiencies in overhead, support and other less mission-essential areas. The efficiency target for the Air Force was $28.3 billion across this Future Years Defense Program (FYDP). The Air Force is committed to enhancing capabilities by reducing expenses allocated to overhead and support functions, while shifting resources to modernization and readiness programs.
As part of the FY12 budget, the Air Force exceeded our efficiency target by $5 billion and identified $33.3 billion in efficiencies in an effort to make resources available to better support warfighter and readiness programs across the FYDP. Examples of these efficiencies include:
. Consolidating three Numbered Air Forces with colocated Major Command staff and consolidating the activities of four Air and Space Operations Centers into two, thereby achieving a redistribution of 347 military authorizations (228 in FY12 and 119 in FY13) across the FYDP and eliminating 212 civilian authorizations beginning in FY13 which will save $100.1 million across the FYDP;
. Consolidating installation support management to improve Air Force-wide standardization and prioritization;
. Reallocating 5,600 active duty billets over the FYDP from lower priority support functions to higher priority, growth areas;
. Saving more than $3 billion from anticipated growth in Weapon System Sustainment (WSS) portfolio efficiencies across the FYDP by reviewing operational requirements, depot processes and the sustainment of the supply chain without degrading operational capabilities or support to the warfighter;
. Reducing fuel consumption within the Mobility Air Forces by leveraging proven commercial aviation practices for flight planning and weight reduction, and implementing other initiatives to save $715 million (net) across the FYDP;
. Reducing acquisition costs by consolidating services, scrutinizing contracts, reducing contract support, and more efficiently using resources to deliver capabilities and support to the warfighter;
. Reducing information technology costs by more than $1.2 billion over the FYDP by adopting DoD-level Enterprise Information Services including enterprise core services, consolidating and standardizing the network information technology infrastructure from nine Air Force and Air National Guard Regional Processing Centers to five centrally controlled centers, and migrating current and developmental applications, services and data to DoD-provided enterprise computing centers; and
. Improving our procurement of satellites with a new acquisition strategy which, subject to Congressional approval, will lower procurement costs and stabilize the defense industrial base.
The realization of these efficiencies allowed the Air Force to reallocate funding to modernize and recapitalize weapons systems, improve capabilities and enhance warfighter operations. Examples of these enhancements include:
. Investing in the Long-Range Strike Family of Systems, including a new penetrating bomber as a key component of the Joint portfolio;
. Investing an additional $3.5 billion to fund the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELV) program to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) Independent Cost Assessment, with the Department of Defense (DoD) committed to buying five boosters per year to meet national space launch requirements and stabilize the industrial base;
. Repurposing 5,600 active duty billets over the FYDP to support ISR capability, U.S. Pacific Command force structure requirements, Total Force Integration, the U-2 continuation, building partnership capacity, increasing support to the Air Force District of Washington UH-1N mission, among other increases;
. Procuring an additional 16 simulators for F-35 aircrew training bringing the total procurement to 30 simulators to ensure an effective training pipeline throughput and operational unit pilot proficiency and cost control;
. Recapitalizing the aging special operations forces MC-130H/W aircraft;
. Improving the aircraft computer infrastructure of the B-52 to enable more rapid machine-to-machine retargeting;
. Enhancing combat capability of the F-15C and F-15E with additional AESA radars and electronic protection software upgrades;
. Continuing to fund the development of next-generation Global Positioning System (GPS) III Operational Control Segment;
. Researching and developing electronic protection and suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) capabilities for the F-22;
. Transitioning MC-12W Liberty Project from Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) funding into the Air Force baseline budget beginning in FY13;
. Continuing maximized production of the MQ-9 Reaper to ensure delivery of 65 CAPs by the end of FY13;
. Extending U-2 operations through FY15 to ensure a smooth high-altitude transition; and
. Baselining the Air Sovereignty Alert program across the FYDP to solidify support to homeland security operations.
The Air Force leadership recognizes the importance of achieving planned efficiencies to avoid future bills and a negative impact to our mission and our Airmen. We are taking a long-term view of this initiative and will address our efficiency targets annually to further refine and identify follow-on opportunities. We assigned responsibility for initiatives to individual senior leaders who are developing their detailed implementation plans to oversee our efforts. Quarterly executive-level reviews will monitor plans and progress, and ensure that efficiency initiatives do not inadvertently impact readiness, mission performance, or quality of life for our Airmen. Our continuous process improvement program, Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO21), is well-established and provides our Airmen with the tactics, techniques and procedures to improve performance while achieving efficiencies.
In order to ensure Air Force leadership has reliable and relevant financial information to monitor our efficiency goals, we are further emphasizing our work in Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness. In FY12, the Air Force is dedicating $29 million to audit readiness and validation and $327 million to modernize our business systems.
Mission effectiveness of the Air Force is linked to the overall well-being of our Airmen and their families. The Air Force will continue to find innovative and efficient ways to provide and sustain programs that support our Airmen and their families, including our critical civilian personnel. We must ensure programs and services foster a greater sense of community, strengthen a sense of belonging and value to the Air Force, and improve Airman and family resiliency.
As mission demands continue to evolve and budgets flatten, the Air Force is making key strategic choices to leverage the collective talent and experience of our Total Force. Through improved integration across the Total Force Enterprise of active, Guard and Reserve forces, we are seeking greater Service-wide efficiencies and effectiveness to maximize combat capability for the Joint warfighter. We are developing business case analyses to inform decisions on how best to structure Active and Reserve Component relationships, especially in new areas. As missions such as cyber and dynamic battlefield ISR mature, so too will the Total Force investment in these areas.
End Strength, Retention and Recruiting. The overall programmed Air Force end strength for FY12 is more than 690,000 personnel. This includes 332,800 active duty, 71,400 Reserve, 106,700 Air National Guard, and more than 182,000 civilian personnel. To support the efforts of our Airmen and to recruit and retain the highest quality Air Force members, the FY12 budget request includes $30.2 billion in military personnel funding and a military pay raise in FY12 of 1.6 percent.
The retention rates in the Air Force are the highest they have been in 16 years and recruiting has also been successful. Therefore, the $626.6 million requested in the FY12 budget for recruiting and retention bonuses is highly targeted. Bonuses are proposed for specific career fields with critical wartime skills including pilots, control and recovery, intelligence, contracting, security forces, health professionals, civil engineering, special operations and explosive ordnance disposal.
In addition, the current economy has slowed attrition from the Air Force and had the effect of increasing active duty manning above planned levels. As a result, the Air Force is making difficult, but fiscally responsible decisions to implement force management programs that allow us to remain within authorized end strength ceilings. Specifically, we continue to progress toward an active duty end strength goal of 332,800 by the end of FY12. To address excess end strength, particularly in the officer force, we will reduce accessions, continue to waive Active Duty Service Commitment and Time in Grade requirements for voluntary separations and retirements, continue to conduct enlisted Date of Separation rollbacks, and institute involuntary separation and retirement programs for officers through Selective Early Retirement, Reduction in Force and Force Shaping boards. We will also work with OSD to seek additional legislative authority to help the Air Force meet end strength ceilings by the end of FY12 and maintain the appropriate level in FY13 and beyond.
Civilian Workforce. The Secretary of Defense has limited our civilian workforce to FY10 levels, with limited growth allowed for specific priorities like the acquisition workforce. This policy will require significant changes to previously planned civilian growth. The Air Force will also conduct an enterprise-wide review of civilian personnel end strength to facilitate DoD's efforts for efficiencies and reinvestment possibilities.
Contractor Reductions. The Air Force is looking at the way we utilize the contract workforce as we answer the Secretary of Defense's challenge to find efficiencies and to reduce duplication, overhead, and excess, and reinforce our culture of efficiency and restraint across the Air Force. This will impact the service support contract workforce in the following areas:
. Reduce our staff support contractor workforce by ten percent per year, over the next three years in accordance with DoD's guidance with an estimated FY12 savings of $127 million; and
. Reduce the funding for advisory studies by 25 percent from the FY10 levels over the FYDP with an estimated FY12 savings of $41 million.
The Air Force identified two other areas that will result in reductions to its headquarters contract workforce and release resources for warfighter use. These include:
. Knowledge-based services estimated at $252 million in FY12; and
. Program Management Administration estimated at $191 million in FY12.
Man-Days. Active Duty Operational Support days play a critical role in resourcing extended military operations. They allow for the active duty appropriation to pay for temporary use of National Guard and Reserve personnel to support military missions beyond the regular component's capability. In support of the Secretary of Defense's efficiency initiative, the Air Force reduces, by 1,250 work years, the Reserve Component FY12 man-day program that supports non-critical administrative and overhead activities.
The demand for global mobility and related airlift support remains high in FY12 as the Air Force will continue to support a large footprint in Afghanistan. The Air Force identified $1.4 billion to support FY12 OCO requirements. Our reliance on the Total Force is by design, and we recognize and value the contributions of the members of the Reserve Components who have performed tirelessly in support of our Nation. The Air Force will continue to prioritize Reserve
Component requirements prudently and in accordance with mission needs as we transition to a lower steady state tempo.
Diversity. The Air Force widened the aperture beyond traditional views of diversity, and defined it to include personal life experiences, geographic background, socioeconomic background, cultural knowledge, educational background, work background, language abilities, physical abilities, philosophical/spiritual perspectives, age, and more. We declared diversity a military necessity, as both a source of greater combat effectiveness and as means toward a force that more closely mirrors American society. Deliberate plans are being developed to attract, recruit, develop, and retain a more diverse force.
Repeal of .Don't Ask, Don't Tell.. The Air Force will execute the plan established by OSD for the effective implementation of the repeal of Section 654 of Title 10 of the United States Code, known as .Don't Ask, Don't Tell.. We are also developing strategic communications, and we will provide initial and sustainment education and training at all levels.
Readiness. With Air Force personnel deployed to more than 135 locations worldwide on an average day, we rely heavily on the Total Force. Currently, more than 37,000 Airmen are deployed and more than 57,000 are forward-stationed. In addition, approximately 134,000 Airmen are directly supporting Combatant Commander requirements from their home stations daily. These Airmen contribute in a variety of ways, to include operating the Nation's space and missile forces, processing and exploiting remotely collected ISR data, providing national intelligence support, operating and defending our networks, and executing air sovereignty alert missions.
The Air Force has flown more than 419,000 sorties in support of Operations IRAQI FREEDOM and NEW DAWN and more than 244,000 sorties in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM since September 11, 2001. During this time, we delivered over 6.3 million passengers and 3.3 million tons of cargo, employed almost 23,800 tons of munitions, flew more than 15,750 personnel recovery sorties recording over 2,900 saves and 6,200 assists, and transported more than 85,000 patients and more than 15,400 casualties from the U.S. Central Command alone. In 2010, our Airmen averaged approximately 400 sorties every day.
This level of activity reflects our commitment to provide Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power in today's Joint fight. However, our high operations tempo (OPTEMPO) has also had some detrimental effects on our overall readiness. Readiness for full spectrum military operations is a challenge for our combat air forces and some other limited-supply/high-demand aviation units. Since 2003, we have seen a slow but steady decline in reported readiness indicators. Our OPTEMPO since 2001 has produced lower deploy-to-dwell ratios for high-demand skills. At present, 19 enlisted and nine officer career fields are .stressed.. We have improved funding to WSS; however, sustainment challenges continue as we field new weapon systems and balance contract versus organic sources of repair. To address these readiness issues, we must keep aircraft recapitalization and procurement programs on track and continue managing our force to ensure the right numbers and mix of skills in our highly tasked and highest priority mission areas.
The Air Force Core Functions, assigned by the Secretary of Defense and recognized by the Joint community, provide a framework for balancing investments across Air Force capabilities. While this document describes the Core Functions individually, we recognize the inherent interdependence of these capabilities within the Air Force, the Joint force, and throughout the United States Government. When considered together, the Core Functions encompass the full range of Air Force capabilities. The budget request in this posture statement provides an appropriate balance of investment across our Core Functions. The table below depicts the FY12 budget request and the projected allocation of resources across the FYDP, by Air Force Core Function.
Note 1: This table does not include OCO, Non-Blue or classified programs.
Note 2: The funding for Nuclear Deterrence Operations includes weapon systems, support systems, as well as nuclear command, control, and communications requirements.
Continuing to strengthen our nuclear enterprise remains the number one Air Force priority, and we have taken positive steps within the FY12 budget request to continue to strengthen and improve this Core Function.
Air Force Global Strike Command achieved full operational capability (FOC) on September 30, 2010, moving all Air Force nuclear-capable bombers and Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) under one command. The Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center continues to pursue vital and deliberate sustainment of the nuclear enterprise through efforts such as the Air Force Comprehensive Assessment of Nuclear Sustainment process. Bomber force modernization continued in an effort to maintain a viable force beyond 2030. We have completed the transition to four B-52 operational squadrons with the addition of the 69th Bomb Squadron at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota. ICBM modernization and sustainment also continued with investments in new test equipment and launch facility environmental control systems. Although an initial study for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent to replace the Minuteman III will begin in FY11, we must continue sustainment efforts to ensure Minuteman III viability through 2030.
An important event for the ICBM force in 2010 was a temporary loss of the ability to monitor the status of 50 missiles at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. At no time was there any danger to the public or to the safety and security of the weapon system. The missiles are protected by multiple and redundant safety, security, and command and control features. The root cause of this communication interruption was identified, and the necessary technical and procedural changes to prevent future occurrences have ensued. In addition, the Air Force has completed a number of assessments including initiatives to address systemic issues with ICBM infrastructure and operating procedures as well as a report on the age and pedigree of the infrastructure and equipment associated with the ICBM system. Based on these assessments, it is clear that a significant portion of the existing infrastructure will eventually require modernization or complete replacement in the years ahead.
The FY12 budget request of $5.2 billion continues to invest in the future of nuclear deterrence. The Air Force is committed to sustaining the ICBM force through 2030 with investment including command and control, cryptographic improvements and ballistic missile fuze sustainment. Bomber modernization and sustainment efforts include the B-52 Combat Network Communications Technology program, the B-2 Extremely High Frequency communications program and the Defensive Management Systems program. The Air Force removed early-to-need procurement funding in bomber extremely high frequency communications and the ground element of the Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network program due to program delays. The Air Force is committed to continuing to strengthen the nuclear enterprise through other programs such as the tail kit portion of the B61 nuclear weapon life extension program, the future long-range standoff weapon, and the Common Vertical Lift Support Platform. Beyond weapon system sustainment and modernization, the Air Force is focusing on human capital as we carefully balance requirements for our limited, intensively scrutinized, high-demand Airmen in the nuclear enterprise.
The Air Force is prepared for a new verification regime and is planning for the elimination and conversion of launchers under the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. We will work with the OSD and U.S. Strategic Command to identify and assess options for future force structure adjustments consistent with the Treaty provisions.
Many of our global precision attack forces are meeting the current requirements of ongoing contingency operations by performing precision strike and ISR support roles. However, the proliferation of anti-access and area-denial capabilities will challenge the ability of current fourth-generation fighters and legacy bombers to penetrate contested airspace in the longer term.
The Air Force used a balanced approach across the global precision attack portfolio in FY11, prioritizing investment in fifth-generation aircraft while sustaining legacy platforms as a bridge to the F-35, Joint Strike Fighter. We continue to modernize our bomber fleet to sustain our capability and capacity as we invest in a Long-Range Strike Family of Systems.
The FY12 budget request for this Core Function is $16 billion. Investments in global precision attack will fund modernization of legacy fighters and the B-1B, development and procurement of the F-35A, preferred munitions, and simulators for Tactical Air Control System training. The FY12 budget request adds $15 million to begin design and development of structural and capability modifications for the F-16 Block 40/42/50/52 fleet. The SLEP initiatives for the F-16 airframe are scalable and responsive to the Air Force's total fighter requirements. The Air Force is also studying F-16 modernization efforts, to include a new AESA radar, center displays, electronic warfare defensive suite, and an improved data-link in anticipation of F-35A delivery delays.
The multi-role F-35A is the centerpiece of the Air Force's future precision attack capability. In addition to complementing the F-22's world class air superiority capabilities, the F-35A is designed to penetrate air defenses and deliver a wide range of precision munitions. This modern, fifth-generation aircraft brings the added benefit of increased allied interoperability and cost-sharing across Services and partner nations. It will also serve to fulfill our commitment to NATO's dual-capable aircraft mission. The FY12 budget includes $5.3 billion for continued development and procurement of 19 F-35A, Conventional Take-Off and Landing (CTOL), production aircraft.
The F-35A program team achieved a number of accomplishments over the past year, including the first flight of the first mission systems aircraft, arrival of the first four F-35A test aircraft at Edwards Air Force Base, California, completion of F-35A static structural testing five months ahead of schedule with no failures, roll out of the first Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) F-35A, completion of 410 total F-35 test flights in 2010 of which 171 were F-35A flights, negotiation of the first fixed price type production contract (LRIP Lot 4 - 10 CTOL aircraft), and the signing of a Letter of Acceptance to procure the F-35A by Israel.
Also in 2010, the Air Force announced the preferred alternatives for F-35A operational and training bases. Those bases are Hill Air Force Base, Utah, and Burlington Air Guard Station, Vermont for operational squadrons and Luke Air Force Base, Arizona for training.
The program continues to experience challenges as it transitions from development to production despite the significant accomplishments. The Secretary of Defense announced a program restructure in February 2010. The restructure resulted in increased funding for development and production in accordance with Joint Estimate Team II estimates, reduced procurement by 122 aircraft over the FYDP in the FY11 PB, upgraded the Program Executive Office position from a 2-star to 3-star flag rank, extended development by 13 months, added an additional LRIP lot prior to entering full rate production, and reduced the ramp rate to less than 150 percent of the previous year's production. Program cost growth, including growth from the restructure, resulted in a critical Nunn-McCurdy breach in March 2010. The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics subsequently certified the program in accordance with the Nunn-McCurdy statute, allowing the F-35 program to continue.
The DoD tasked the program office to perform a bottom-up review of the remaining development effort after the program Nunn-McCurdy certification. This Technical Baseline Review (TBR), completed in November 2010, became the basis for additional program restructuring within the FY12 PB. The TBR informed the need for an additional $4.6 billion to complete the Joint development effort. To fund this new development effort, and recognizing a continued lagging performance in production, the DoD reduced procurement by 124 aircraft over the FYDP in the FY12 PB, 57 of which were F-35As.
The Air Force intends to accelerate the procurement of the F-15E AESA radar modernization program, funding 88 radars and electronic protect software upgrades across the FYDP to keep our legacy platforms viable well into the future. Other legacy fighter improvements in the FY12 budget include the continuation of the A-10C wing replacement program.
The FY12 budget request includes funds to modernize the B-1B fleet, including the central integrated test system, fully integrated data link, and vertical situation display unit. To provide the funds to modernize the B-1B fleet, the FY12 budget request also reduces B-1B force structure by six primary aircraft authorizations leaving 60 B-1Bs in our inventory. Investing in a new penetrating bomber is critical to maintaining our long-range strike capability in the face of increasing risk associated with anti-access and area-denied environments.
To this end, the Secretary of Defense announced on January 6, 2011, that the Air Force will invest in a new long-range, penetrating, and nuclear-capable bomber capable of both manned and unmanned operations. A major focus of this program is to develop an affordable, long-range penetrating strike capability that delivers on schedule and in quantity. This aircraft will be designed and built using proven technologies, will leverage existing systems to provide sufficient capability, and allow growth to improve the system as technology matures and threats evolve. This program should start now to ensure that the new bomber can be ready before the current aging B-52 and B-1 bomber fleets go out of service. The follow-on bomber represents a key component of a Joint portfolio of conventional deep-strike capabilities, an area that must be a high priority for future defense investment given the anti-access challenges our military faces. It is a central element in a Family of Systems that includes enabling electronic warfare, ISR, and communications capabilities, as well as new weapons.
Anti-access and area-denial challenges have also caused us to pursue the Air-Sea Battle concept in partnership with the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, so that together we can preserve and bolster our Nation's freedom of action in the air, maritime, space, and cyberspace domains. Once implemented, Air-Sea Battle will guide us to develop a more permanent and better-institutionalized relationship between Departments that will ultimately shape our Service organizations, inform our operational concepts, and guide our materiel acquisitions.
This budget request also includes Developmental Test (DT)/Operational Test (OT) and procurement of the Joint Air-to-Surface Stand-off Missile baseline and Extended Range programs. As Small Diameter Bomb (SDB)-1 production concludes in FY11, the Air Force plans to transition to development and production of the SDB-II in FY12. Additionally, the FY12 budget request continues funding for integration of the Hard Target Void-Sensing Fuze onto the BLU-113 and BLU-109 weapons, and funds weapon DT/OT for the Massive Ordnance Penetrator.
FY12 budget investments in global precision attack reflect the requirement to win today's fight while recognizing that proliferation of anti-access and area-denial capabilities will increasingly challenge America's ability to penetrate contested airspace. The Air Force continues to modernize the legacy fighter and bomber fleet to maintain sufficient capability and capacity as we transition to a fully operational F-35A fleet and field a modern Long-Range Strike Family of Systems.
Air superiority is crucial in modern warfare. It enables air, land and maritime operations in support of our Joint, Interagency and Coalition partners. For over five decades, Air Force investments, expertise and sacrifice in achieving air superiority have ensured that friendly ground forces operate without threat of attack from enemy aircraft. Airspace control remains vitally important in all operating environments to ensure the advantages of rapid mobility, ISR and precision strike are broadly available to the Combatant Commander. Ongoing air defense modernization efforts by global and regional competitors will challenge the Air Force's ability to attain the same degree of control in the future. The FY12 budget request for air superiority is $9.2 billion.
We plan to continue upgrading to a fifth-generation fleet with F-22 modifications to provide fleet commonality and ensure the viability of our legacy weapons systems. We will also continue the development of preferred air-to-air munitions and defenses such as the AIM-9X, AIM-120D and electronic warfare capabilities.
We are currently modernizing our legacy fleet of F-15 fighter aircraft with AESA radars to ensure their viability well into the future. Other F-15C/D modernization programs underway include an advanced display core processor upgrade with vertical situation display, beyond line of sight radios, and Link-16 cryptographic upgrades. The FY12 budget request continues funding for the F-15C/D AESA radar modernization program. The Air Force has recently restructured this program, procuring 90 radars across the FYDP and an additional eight radars in FY17.
The Air Force is also incrementally modernizing the F-22 Block 30/35 aircraft and requests funding in the FY12 budget for the F-22 Block 20/30/35 Common Configuration, Reliability and Maintainability Maturation Program and enhancement of the air-to-air and SEAD capabilities on F-22 Block 30/35 aircraft.
Select electronic warfare enhancements continue in FY11, including EC-130H Compass Call fleet upgrades, and a flight deck and mission crew simulator to increase training capacity. The FY12 budget request begins funding 13 electronic attack pod sets for MQ-9s and the conversion of a C-130 to EC-130H Compass Call aircraft, adding two mission aircraft authorizations across the FYDP. The FY12 budget also funds concurrent production of Miniature Air-Launched Decoy (MALD)/MALD-Jammer (MALD-J) and development of MALD-J Increment II to improve the system's electronic warfare capabilities.
The Air Force continues to enhance development, production, and integration of critical munitions for air superiority. The FY12 budget requests funds for the development and full-rate production of the AIM-9X Block 2; development, integration, and production of the AIM-120D; and development and integration of the AGM-88 HARM control section modification. The FY12 budget also requests research and development funding for the .Next Generation Missile,. an air launched missile to replace both the AIM-120D and the AGM-88. This funding will provide for a competitive prototype demonstration and technical development preceding entrance into the Engineering and Manufacturing Development phase of the program.
Other key enhancements in the FY12 budget request include the development and fielding of new training range equipment and updates to threat systems to provide realistic combat training. Among these are the P5 Combat Training System and Joint Threat Emitters. Also, the FY12 budget request provides procurement of F-16 Block 40/50 Full-Mission Simulators, affording high-fidelity simulation for use in Distributed Mission Operations. Enhanced opportunities to migrate aircrew training into high fidelity simulators will help realize efficiencies in the peacetime flying hour program, as well as support energy efficiency.
The proposed FY12 investments will sustain America's air superiority advantage and expand the multi-role capability of the Air Force's most advanced aircraft. Additionally, these investments continue the development and procurement of electronic warfare capabilities and preferred air-to-air munitions.
The Air Force continues to provide unparalleled airlift and air refueling capability to support our national defense. Mobility forces provide a vital deployment and sustainment capability for Joint and Coalition forces, globally delivering equipment, personnel, and materiel essential for missions ranging from major combat to humanitarian relief operations worldwide.
The Air Force is accelerating the retirement of our oldest legacy airlifters, the C-5A and C-130E, in FY11. Airlift capacity and capability will be maintained through continued recapitalization and modernization. The Air Force will take delivery of seven C-130Js, and continue to ensure world-wide airspace access through avionics modernization of C-130H2/3, KC-10 and the C-5. In 2010, the C-27J completed transition from a Joint to an Air Force-led program, and we continued C-27J procurement as an investment in overall fleet viability.
The FY12 budget request balances tanker and airlift requirements to ensure that we sustain the critical needs of the warfighter. This is accomplished by prioritizing recapitalization of the tanker aircraft while ensuring the continued viability of the legacy fleet. Tanker capability investments of $877 million are heavily weighted toward our top acquisition priority, the KC-X program. The Air Force submitted a Request for Proposal for a KC-X replacement tanker in February 2010, and is anticipating contract award in early 2011. While moving aggressively to recapitalize the tanker fleet, we also continue maintaining the health of legacy aircraft. The budget includes $147.4 million in FY12 for the airspace access requirement and sustainment of the KC-10 and KC-135 fleets.
In conjunction with the continued procurement of C-130Js, the FY12 budget continues to modernize C-130Hs through the Avionics Modernization Program, ensuring continued global airspace access. Similar efforts to modernize C-5 avionics remain on track and the C-5B/C Reliability Enhancement and Re-engine Program (RERP) has completed operational testing. In October 2010, OSD approved RERP for full rate production with the final C-5M .Super Galaxy. scheduled for delivery in the third quarter of FY16. Additionally, in accordance with the results of the Mobility Capabilities and Requirements Study 2016, and subject to authorization by the Congress, we intend to retire some of the oldest, least capable C-5As and C-130H1s. The C-17 Globemaster III remains the backbone of our Nation's strategic airlift fleet, and the Air Force takes delivery of 11 new C-17s in FY11 and eight in FY12. These additions bring the total C-17 fleet to 221 aircraft. The Air Force will continue to modernize its mature C-17s to the production line standard by accelerating the Block 13-17 upgrade program, and retrofitting the aircraft with extended range fuel tanks and an improved on-board inert gas generating system.
Efforts to increase direct support airlift continue, with plans to beddown 38 C-27Js in the Air National Guard. The Air Force continues Operational Support Aircraft/Very Important Person Special Airlift Mission modernization with the upgrade of VC-25 avionics, with completion in FY18 enabling unrestricted global access for the Presidential aircraft.
The Air Force continues to rapidly increase its ISR capability and capacity to support all military operations. Air Force ISR provides timely, fused, and actionable intelligence to the Joint force from forward-deployed locations and distributed processing centers around the globe.
The exceptional operational value of Air Force ISR assets has led Joint force commanders in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa to continually increase their requests for support. To help meet this demand, the Air Force currently has more than 90 percent of all available ISR assets deployed. Over the last two years, the Air Force increased the number of remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) and completed deployment of 30 MC-12W Project Liberty aircraft to theater to complement remotely piloted capabilities. This is being accomplished as we transitioning MC-12W Liberty Project from OCO funding into the Air Force baseline budget beginning in FY13. Additionally, the Air National Guard, already full partners in the RPA enterprise, has also deployed the RC-26B in support of operations in Iraq. Finally, both the Air Force and Air National Guard operate the RC-135 RIVET JOINT and SENIOR SCOUT, respectively, in support of global signals intelligence taskings.
In FY11, we will increase the number of CAPs in theater to 50, maximize the MQ-9 production rate to 48 per year, complete the procurement of eleven RQ-4 Block 40, and will deliver five additional MC-12W aircraft. We also will maintain our current Joint Surveillance Target Attack and Radar System-based Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) capability as we complete an Analysis of Alternatives to determine the future of GMTI.
Our FY12 ISR budget request of $8.2 billion fully supports the Joint force emphasis on ISR capacity and allows the Air Force to sustain maximum MQ-9 production and achieve 65 RPA CAPs in theater by the end of FY13. In intelligence production, we corrected an internal
Operation and Maintenance shortfall within the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System to sustain intelligence analysis and dissemination. The budget request also continues support for the U-2 Dragon Lady manned aircraft through the end of FY15 to ensure a smooth high-altitude transition to the unmanned RQ-4 Global Hawk. This extension enables a measured reduction of the U-2 program as RQ-4 Block 30 aircraft become operational and ensures continued support to national leadership, Combatant Commanders and Joint warfighters.
The FY12 ISR budget also realigns resources within the RQ-4 program to correct a $979 million diminishing manufacturing sources disconnect across the FYDP. To optimize our support of the overall RQ-4 program, the Air Force decided to curtail production of the RQ-4 Block 40 at eleven aircraft. This decision allows the Air Force to fully support and sustain the required RQ-4 Block 40 capability already procured and concentrate on fielding effective Block 30 multiple intelligence platforms on time.
The DoD, civilian agencies and our Nation rely on space capabilities developed and operated by the Air Force. The FY12 space superiority budget request of $11.6 billion will enable the Air Force to field, upgrade and sustain vital space systems for the Joint warfighter. As part of the Joint force, we integrate and operate these capabilities to execute the space support, force enhancement, space control and force application missions; and, as launch agent for both the defense and intelligence sectors, provide reliable and timely space access for national security purposes.
Space capabilities provide the United States and our allies' unprecedented national security advantages in national decision-making, military operations, and homeland security. The Air Force's budget priorities align closely with the goals and principles outlined in the National Space Policy (NSP) and support the DoD's National Security Space Strategy (NSSS) and the National Military Strategy with specific emphasis on building international partnerships to establish mutually beneficial space capabilities and developing a better understanding of the space domain. International agreements are being pursued to expand space-based communication capability through the procurement of a ninth Wideband Global SATCOM satellite (WGS-9), and to meet National Search and Rescue requirements by working to integrate the Canadian-provided Distress Alerting Satellite Systems as a secondary payload on GPS Block III Increment B and C satellites. Additionally, realizing the space domain is becoming increasingly congested, contested and competitive, we will continue efforts to establish a Space Situational Awareness (SSA) partnership with Australia by jointly employing and operating a space object detect and track radar in Australia. This system will provide better understanding of the current and future strategic space environment and establish a foundation for continuing nation-to-nation cooperation.
In close cooperation with OSD and the Office of Management and Budget, the FY12 Air Force budget request proposes a new acquisition strategy for buying military spacecraft, Evolutionary Acquisition for Space Efficiency (EASE). The current practice of procuring satellites one-at-a-time or on a just-in-time basis has inadvertently increased costs due to production line breaks, parts obsolescence, and inefficient use of labor. Numerous space experts and Congressional committees have expressed concern with the inefficiency and disruption caused by the status quo approach to procuring satellites. EASE is an acquisition strategy that encompasses the following tenets: block buys of satellites, fixed price contracting, stable research and development investment, and a modified annual funding approach. We believe this approach will result in savings that can be reinvested in research and development that will further improve the performance and lower the cost of follow-on systems. Commitment to satellite production and reinvestment in technology development provides stability and predictability for a fragile space industrial base.
The Air Force budget request reflects the use of EASE for acquisition of the next blocks of Advanced Extremely High Frequency (AEHF) protected communications satellites in FY12 and Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS)-Geosynchronous missile warning satellites in FY13. Once the EASE approach is proven, we will examine the application of this acquisition strategy to a wider portfolio of space programs. Relying on a combination of regular appropriations, advance appropriations, and multi-year procurement authority, the EASE proposal is consistent with the full funding principle and is a critical part of the Air Force's efficiency agenda. The Air Force recognizes the need to work with Congress to define and obtain the necessary legislative authorities to achieve our vision.
Spacelift is a critical component of the national security space enterprise. Despite our having achieved a record 76 consecutive successful launches since 1999, spacelift is still a complex and costly undertaking. Three recent launch studies reached the same conclusion that immediate commitment to a fixed annual production rate for launch vehicles is imperative to sustain the industrial base and control costs. To ensure this commitment, the FY12 budget submission requests an additional $3.5 billion across the FYDP to procure five DoD launches each year. In addition, the Air Force is working aggressively to reduce the cost of providing this critical launch capability. Additionally, the Air Force is collaborating with the NRO and NASA to explore synergistic solutions to maintain a healthy industrial base and meet government launch requirements.
Our Combatant Commanders and national leadership rely on satellite communications for continuous secure communications around the world. In FY10, we successfully launched the third Wideband Global SATCOM (WGS) satellite and first AEHF satellite. AEHF will provide ten times the throughput and greater than five times the data rate of the current MILSTAR II Satellite Communication System. To increase the effectiveness of our Joint warfighting operations, we are expanding communications capability with the launch of another WGS satellite in FY12. Each WGS satellite delivers the equivalent capacity of the entire existing Defense Satellite Communications System constellation. WGS has become the keystone for international cooperation measures in space, with our Australian allies funding the sixth WGS satellite in return for a portion of the overall bandwidth. We requested $469 million in the FY12 budget request to fully fund WGS to meet Combatant Commander's bandwidth requirements. These essential systems provide our forces the vital communications needed to remain effectively coordinated, synchronized, and responsive in global operations.
For over 20 years, GPS has been the global standard for positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) and is used in everything from consumer automobiles, precision farming and smart phones, to enabling the Nation's most sophisticated weaponry and financial systems. In FY11, we will continue to launch GPS Block IIF satellites to maintain the constellation as a global utility. The FY12 budget request includes $1.7 billion for PNT capability and incorporates initial funding of the next generation GPS III satellite production, development of the next-generation operational control segment and upgraded military user equipment.
Our FY12 budget request also includes $87 million for the Operationally Responsive Space program to pursue innovative capabilities that can be rapidly developed and fielded in months rather than years to respond to Combatant Commanders' immediate space requirements. In the critical areas of missile warning and SSA, we requested $1.2 billion for the SBIRS program, which will launch the first geosynchronous satellite in FY11 to begin our transition to a highly effective space-based missile warning system, and $122.1 million for the Joint Space Operation Center Mission System. We will continue to improve SSA ground-based systems and space-based capabilities to ensure continued freedom to operate in the space domain. The Air Force also recognizes that space capabilities are essential to the nuclear enterprise for its operational readiness, providing key decision making information through missile warning and nuclear event detection, along with essential communications. Weather and forecasting data is another important source of information for our forces in peacetime and in conflict. We requested $444.9 million for the Defense Weather Satellite System in FY12. This system will replace the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program in the early morning orbit slot, ensuring continuity of detailed overhead weather imagery and sensing information. All elements of space capability must operate through the full spectrum of potential contingencies.
While participating, last year, in the DoD's development of the national long-term space strategy as part of the Space Posture Review and Quadrennial Defense Review, the Air Force recognized a need to review our own internal space governance structure to better position us to properly execute the direction resulting from these reviews. During our review, the position of the Under Secretary of the Air Force was identified as the focal point for oversight of all Air Force space activities. In addition, space acquisition responsibilities were consolidated in the office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition. At the DoD level, the Secretary of the Air Force was revalidated as the DoD Executive Agent (EA) for Space. The EA is charged with the integration and assessment of the DoD overall space program, the conduct and oversight of long-term space planning and architecture development, and the facilitation of increased cooperation with the intelligence community. The EA also chairs the newly established Defense Space Council with representatives from across the DoD, and was directed to establish a jointly manned space office to restructure and replace the current National Security Space Office. This organization will not only better position the DoD to coordinate implementation of space policy and strategy, it will also provide the framework for the DoD's support for development of new national security space capabilities. Furthermore, the Secretary of the Air Force, in his role as the EA for Space is fully engaged with the DoD in the implementation of the recent NSP and NSSS.
The Air Force FY12 budget request includes $4.6 billion to sustain and maintain our critical cyberspace capabilities and to enable Air Force expeditionary and CONUS-based operations in support of Joint force commanders. The Air Force contributes to the Joint force by developing, integrating, and operating cyberspace capabilities in three mission areas: support, defense, and offense.
Cyberspace superiority enables precise force application in all domains, generates effects across the full spectrum of operations, and preserves an agile and resilient cyberspace infrastructure for assured mission execution.
Access to cyberspace is increasingly critical to meet Joint and allied requirements for freedom of maneuver in all domains. Air Force networks face a continuous barrage of assaults from state-sponsored actors, terror networks, international criminal organizations, individual hackers, and all level of threats in between. We are expanding collaboration with Service, Joint, Interagency, academic, and international partners on several cyber initiatives to safeguard our access to the cyberspace domain. To this end, we are operationalizing our approach to cyberspace with emphasis in this budget request on protecting the Air Force infrastructure, developing expertise to meet mission needs, and accelerating our acquisition processes.
The 24th Air Force, the Air Force component of U.S. Cyber Command, achieved FOC on October 1, 2010, and the Air Force will expand the cyber rapid acquisition process to cope with constantly evolving technologies. The Air Force is also aligning education and training programs with our operational approach to cyberspace to properly develop our cyberspace professionals. In December 2010, we graduated our first cadre of cyberspace operators. Additionally, efforts to enhance the cyber-related investigative and forensic capabilities resident in the Air Force are forging a solid foundation for Service and Joint cooperation. For example, Air Force Space Command transitioned the Defense Cyber Crime Center back to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations to help strengthen the ties.
The Air Force has strengthened its efforts in the support mission area by continuing work on the Single Air Force Network migration, which increases situational awareness of Air Force networks while securely improving information sharing and transport capabilities. Examples of this support are reflected in several investments in this budget. The Air Force continues to support its capability for live, virtual, and constructive simulation and training. Based on the Fort Hood follow-on review, enhancements were made to the Installation Emergency Management system to ensure a standardized, robust emergency notification system.
For the defense mission area, the Air Force invested in additional network defenders to increase protection of information vital to Joint force operations. The Air Force continues to invest in network defense tools and other advanced technologies to monitor and secure classified and unclassified networks.
In the offensive mission area, the Air Force seeks to field appropriate and sanctioned capabilities supporting assigned missions. The Air Force established formal training programs for both initial and mission qualification to provide trained forces to U.S. Cyber Command when tasked. Additionally, as the lead support agency to U.S. Cyber Command, the Air Force is responsible for the construction and installed infrastructure for the new U.S. Cyber Command Integrated Cyber Center at Fort Meade, Maryland.
Command and Control (C2) of our forces has never been more vital or more difficult than in the 21st century. Supporting the National Security Strategy requires commanders to integrate operations in multiple theaters, at multiple levels, and across the full range of military activity. Secure strategic and nuclear C2 remains an Air Force priority. The Air Force must sustain, modify, and enhance current command and control systems, and develop deployable, scalable and modular systems that are interoperable with Joint, Interagency and Coalition partners.
In FY11, we will improve assured communication links for U.S. Strategic Command's Distributed Command and Control Node and U.S. Northern Command's National Capital Region-Integrated Air Defense System. The Air Force has also done the following: expanded the training pipelines for Joint Terminal Attack Controllers (JTACs); began fielding advanced video downlinks, and airborne radio and datalink gateways to improve the connectivity of air support operations centers and JTACs; and modernized the 1970s-era technology of the E-3 airborne C2 node with the Block 40/45 program. In addition, the Air Force created pipeline training in support of the warfighting elements of the Commander, Air Force Forces theater staff.
In FY12, the Air Force requests $6.3 billion for full spectrum C2 sustainment, replacement, and development efforts. Of note, $19.1 million is requested to bolster the Air and Space Operations Center's (AOC) C2 capability and interoperability with programmed Joint systems to execute the Integrated Air and Missile Defense mission. Secure and reliable strategic level communications are improved with a $53.2 million request for modernization to Senior Leader Command and Control Communication Systems for senior leader support aircraft and the E-4 National Airborne Operations Center. Support to Combatant Commanders is also enhanced with almost $60 million in FY12 for improved airborne and mobile C2 systems. The Air Force maintained our commitment to the Joint development of the Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar. Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar will be the future long-range, mobile ground-based sensor for detecting, identifying, tracking, and reporting aircraft and missiles in defended airspace. Additionally, the United States secured a cooperative development position in the NATO Airborne Warning and Control System avionics and navigation modernization program.
Geographic Combatant Commanders and U.S. Special Operations Command rely heavily on Air Force Special Operations (AFSOC) capabilities to support missions worldwide. As the DoD continues to develop capabilities effective against irregular and hybrid threats, increased Air Force Special Operations close air support, foreign internal defense and ISR capabilities will be required.
In FY11, the Air Force will continue procurement of five CV-22s and MC-130Js for the recapitalization of AFSOC's MC-130E/P and AC-130H aircraft. The FY12 budget request includes an investment of $503.7 million toward recapitalization of AFSOC's MC-130H/W fleet, with an additional investment of $26 million across the FYDP to align MC-130J program funding with OSD cost estimates. Additional investments were made to enhance CV-22 mission capability with upgraded cockpit data recording and Communication Navigation System/Air Traffic Management modifications. Finally, a low-cost engine wiring modification allowed the Air Force to realize a $9.6 million efficiency and reduce MC-130J spare engine inventories.
Personnel recovery (PR) remains a vital core function in support of every contingency operation. The increased utilization of military and civilian personnel in support of OCO has significantly increased the demand for Air Force rescue forces beyond the conventional combat search and rescue mission. Air Force PR forces are fully engaged in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, accomplishing lifesaving medical and casualty evacuation missions, while also supporting domestic civil land and maritime search and rescue, humanitarian assistance/disaster relief (HA/DR) and mass casualty evacuation missions.
In FY11, the Air Force will continue to recapitalize HC-130N/P aircraft and procure H-60 Blackhawk helicopters under the operations loss replacement (OLR) program to restore the fleet to 112 HH-60G aircraft. The FY12 request funds four HH-60G OLR aircraft, and provides a $2 billion investment for procurement of 54 HH-60 replacement aircraft across the FYDP. We will also accelerate the procurement of our HC-130J rescue/tanker aircraft by procuring three aircraft in FY12 to replace the 1960s-era HC-130P fleet on a one-for-one basis, up to 37 aircraft. Finally, the FY12 budget funds $73 million for the Guardian Angel program which will standardize and modernize mission essential equipment for an additional five pararescue teams.
Developing mutually beneficial partnerships with militaries around the world is vital for the Air Force. Successful partnerships ensure interoperability, integration and interdependence between Coalition forces while providing our partner nations the capability and capacity to resolve their own national security challenges. Today's engagements require Airmen to perform their duties effectively and achieve influence in culturally-complex environments around the globe.
The Air Force continues to emphasize extensive language skills and regional knowledge in its growing cadre of Regional Affairs Strategists. These personnel possess a regionally-focused advanced academic degree and language proficiency. They work with partner nations as attaches and Security Cooperation Officers. Political-Military Affairs Strategists and best-fit officers also fill positions requiring in-depth understanding of the interagency processes key to building partnerships. The Air Force has also increased the culture and language content of selected pre-deployment training courses and recently inaugurated a new language learning program--the Language Enabled Airman Program. This program provides an opportunity to create a cadre of language-capable Airmen who are deliberately developed for requirements, leverages the capability attained in foreign language accession programs, and provides a systemic opportunity for these Airmen to maintain these skills throughout their careers. Our FY12 budget request includes funding to expand foreign language instruction for officer commissioning programs as well.
The Air Force continues to engage our international partners across the spectrum of operations. The fielding of the F-35, Joint Strike Fighter, will further our partnerships with more established allies, while the three C-17s procured for the 12-nation Strategic Airlift Capability are fully operational and currently meeting the airlift requirements of our European allies. We are funding new initiatives which support longer term Building Partnerships Capacity (BPC) efforts. For instance, $65.7 million was budgeted toward the procurement of 15 Light Mobility Aircraft (LiMA) to assist partner nations in building their airlift capability in FY11. These aircraft are scheduled to be fielded and achieve initial operating capability (IOC) in the second quarter of FY12. We are also requesting $159 million in FY12 to procure the first nine of 15 Light Attack/Armed Reconnaissance (LAAR) aircraft. These LAAR aircraft will be used to train a cadre of pilots who will subsequently export their BPC aviation skills to international partners who may operate the same or similar platforms. To ensure the proper capability is provided to build partner capacity by Contingency Response Forces, LiMA and LAAR personnel, we funded the formal establishment of an Air Advisor Academy in FY11 to expand our current efforts that include training air advisors heading to Iraq and Afghanistan and training air advisors for engagements globally. English language proficiency is a prerequisite to nearly all of the education and training that the Services provide to our partner nations. To meet increasing partner demand for English language training, the FY12 Air Force program expands the capacity at the Defense Language Institute English Language Center.
Underpinning the work of all Air Force Core Functions are the capabilities included in agile combat support (ACS). ACS is the ability to create, protect, and sustain air and space forces across the full spectrum of military operations and spans a diverse set of Air Force functional capabilities. The FY12 budget request of $33.8 billion for ACS accounts for efforts affecting our entire Air Force--from the development and training of our Airmen to regaining acquisition excellence.
Airmen and Families. The Air Force is proud of its commitment to supporting its Airmen and families. The nearly two decades of sustained combat operations has imposed extraordinary demands on them and underscores the need to remain focused on sustaining quality of life and supporting programs as a top priority. To help address the demands, in 2010 the Air Force executed the Year of the Air Force Family and highlighted support programs focused on three outcomes:
. Fostering a Strong Air Force Community;
. Strengthening an Airman's Sense of Belonging; and
. Improving Airman and Family Resiliency.
The Year of the Air Force Family deepened leadership's understanding of current support services and capabilities and what needs to be done in the future to maintain and improve outcomes in the three primary focus areas.
First, the Air Force will maintain an enduring emphasis on Airmen and families by actively engaging the entire Air Force Community: Total Force Airmen, Department of the Air Force civilians, single and married personnel, primary and extended family members, retirees, and on and off-base community partners. The Air Force will maintain an atmosphere that is supportive, team-oriented, and inclusive, but diverse enough to meet the current and emerging needs of the entire Air Force Community. Policy and process priorities have been translated into actions and tasks that will be accomplished over the next few years, perpetuating the Air Force's commitment to strengthening our ties to one another, improving our operational abilities and ensuring our Air Force Community is best positioned to meet future commitments and requirements.
Second, we continue to strengthen our Air Force Community by expanding child care through different programs such as the Extended Duty Program, Home Community Care, Missile Care, and the new Supplemental Child Care initiative to provide flexibility in meeting child care needs. In FY11, the Air Force will continue to demonstrate our commitment to military child education, funding full time School Liaison Officers (SLO) Air Force-wide. SLOs and our new Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program Coordinators will work in close collaboration to address educational and other assistance for families with special needs. The Air Force FY12 budget request includes $4 million to assist with respite child care for military family members with special needs children.
Third, the budget reflects a $4.4 million increase to our Air Force Mortuary Affairs program, supporting travel for family members from home of record to Dover Port Mortuary to receive and honor fallen loved ones. Increases also reflect our commitment to maintaining the Port Mortuary's Center for the Families of the Fallen, used as the reception facility and host site for visiting family members at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware.
Airman dining facilities remain an important commitment of the Air Force as we plan to increase funding for dining facilities at basic military training and technical training bases by $14.9 million in FY12. In FY11, we launched the Food Transformation Initiative (FTI) to address Airmen's concerns with dining facility closings, lack of healthy food options, and insufficient hours of operation. FTI is designed to enhance food quality, variety and availability while maintaining home base and warfighting capabilities.
The Air Force continues to expand our efforts to improve resiliency of Airmen and their families before, during, and after deployments and has significantly expanded capabilities to ensure support and reintegration of our Total Force. In continuing its efforts to improve the resiliency of Airmen and their families, the Air Force moved forward with several initiatives in 2010.
We established a new Resiliency Division at the Air Force level to take the lead and develop an overarching Air Force Resiliency Roadmap. The Deployment Transition Center (DTC) was established at Ramstein Air Base, Germany on July 1, 2010. The DTC and Chaplain Corps Care for the Caregiver programs provide valuable decompression, reintegration and resiliency training for those exposed to significant danger and stress in combat zones. To support these efforts, the Air Force FY12 budget request includes $8 million for the Air Force Resiliency Program for research, curriculum development, materials and intervention training for the DTC. We will continue to develop our Airman Resiliency Program by identifying needs, researching best practices, partnering with internal and external organizations, and developing targeted and tiered training that is integrated into an Airman's career to allow a building block approach that leads to life-long resiliency that benefits both Airmen and their families. We are also requesting an increase in the Chaplain Recruitment program by $1.5 million in FY12 to better provide for religious accommodation and support of Airmen. This includes chaplain-led MarriageCare Retreats, that help heal and save marriages, and deployment reintegration programs expanded to meet the needs of redeploying Airmen.
The Air Force is highly committed to the Wounded Warrior Program that ensures access to medical and rehabilitation treatments for the ill and wounded. The Air Force Warrior and Survivor Care Division is dedicated to building a culture of understanding and concern for wounded, ill and injured Airmen. The Air Force has hired 33 Recovery Care Coordinators and a Program Manager to support 31 locations across the Air Force. Recovery Care Coordinators serve as the focal point for non-clinical case management, development of comprehensive recovery plans and creation of timelines for personal and career accomplishments. Additionally, the Air Force has implemented new personnel policies regarding retention, retraining, promotions, assignments and evaluation of Wounded Warriors. In FY12, the Air Force is requesting $2.8 million for additional case workers and program managers to provide non-clinical case management services to meet the growing demands of the Wounded Warrior population.
Healthcare Initiatives and Costs. As key team members of the federal and Military Health System (MHS), the Air Force Medical Service (AFMS) is seeking innovative solutions to deliver world class care while slowing the rising costs of healthcare. For example, the AFMS is taking the lead in building the largest patient centered medical home capability in the DoD over the next 12 months. This includes the Family Health Initiative, designed to improve continuity of care and healthier outcomes. Additional emphasis is being placed on delivering better care by streamlining our hospital surgical operations and improving the experience of care. Current efforts have demonstrated recapture of services in key market areas with the overall results of reduced cost, increased currency of our surgeons, and improved patient satisfaction. In addition, the AFMS is transitioning from healthcare delivery to delivering health. Through patient-centered care, improved teamwork with our patients, and leveraging partnerships with DoD, VA and civilian institutions, Air Force medicine is shaping the future of healthcare.
Our strategy to control DoD healthcare costs is the right approach to manage the benefit while improving quality and satisfaction. Adjustments to the benefit such as raising TRICARE enrollment fees for working retirees, phasing out enrollment for some high-cost health plans, paying community hospital Medicare rates, and incentivizing the use of the most effective outlets for prescriptions is prudent. There will be limited impact (prescription only) on active duty family members. By implementing these important measures, we will be able to positively address the rising costs of healthcare and improve the health of our population.
Suicides. Air Force suicide rates have been on the rise since 2007, although primary risk factors for suicide among Airmen remain the same. The most commonly identified stressors and risk factors have remained the same over the last ten years: relationships, financial problems and legal problems. Although deployments can stress Airmen and their families, deployment does not seem to be an individual risk factor for Airmen--many Airmen who have committed suicide have never deployed. The Air Force is providing additional support to our most at-risk Airmen by providing additional frontline supervisor suicide prevention training to all supervisors in career fields with elevated suicide rates. In addition, mental health providers are based in primary care clinics across the Air Force to counsel patients who may not otherwise seek care in a mental health clinic because of the perceived stigma. The Air Force has significantly expanded counseling services in addition to those available through the chaplains or the mental health clinic.
Other helpful programs that provide non-medical counseling include Military Family Life Consultants, which can see individuals or couples, and Military OneSource, which provides sessions for active duty for up to twelve off-base sessions.
Fort Hood. In the wake of the Fort Hood shooting, the Secretary of Defense directed the Air Force to conduct a follow-on review to identify ways to better protect Airmen and families. Our review yielded 118 findings and 151 recommendations. The key revelation of the study is that we must do a better job of preventing and responding to violence. Specifically, we must improve our ability to identify indicators of potential violence and share that information with those who are best positioned to prevent a violent outcome. This will require improved understanding, education, processes and training, as well as more integrated processes at both the installation and interagency levels. To undertake these efforts, the FY12 budget request includes $37 million across the FYDP. We anticipate that our resource requirements will increase as we refine the implementation of our recommendations. We are confident that the resources Congress provides, coupled with our sustained effort, will help the Air Force reduce the likelihood of tragedies like Fort Hood and position us to respond more effectively should prevention fail.
Information Protection. The Air Force will enhance its capabilities to assess and mitigate risks to national security information across the enterprise. It will advance efforts to identify risks that reduce the surety of research, development, and acquisition and operations or enable potential opponents to illicitly increase their technological capabilities. These efforts will enable commanders to effectively execute intelligence-led, risk based protection across the Air Force.
Science and Technology. Air Force warfighting capabilities have a proud heritage of being born from the very best science and technology (SandT) our Nation can produce. The creation of the Air Force is closely intertwined with the development of advances in SandT. In 2010, the Air Force presented the .Technology Horizons Study. to serve as a roadmap for guiding Air Force science and technology investments during the next 20 years. Despite current fiscal constraints, the Air Force is increasing its investment in basic research by $18 million and in Advanced Technology Development by $76 million, while continuing FY11-level investment in Applied Research.
Acquisition Excellence. The Air Force continues to strive for acquisition excellence by increasing the rigor and transparency of its processes and by stabilizing requirements and funding. As one of our top five Air Force priorities, we have taken a multi-faceted approach to recapturing acquisition excellence to include:
. Rebuilding the acquisition workforce;
. Delivering a fully implemented Acquisition Improvement Plan (AIP) to guide and shape current and future efforts;
. Creating a foundation for a robust Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) function within acquisition; and
. Implementing approximately 75 efficiency initiatives that range in scope and impact throughout the acquisition enterprise.
Continued improvements support moving resources from "tail to tooth" to fully support the Air Force's direct mission activities. Efficiency savings in overhead, support and other less mission-essential areas will increase funding available for our critical mission functions. The Air Force, as a good steward of taxpayer resources, is committed to delivering products and services that perform as promised--on time, within budget, and in compliance with all laws, policies and regulations.
An example of the successful implementation of recapturing acquisition excellence is the consolidation of FY08 OCO, FY09 OCO and base-year funding, FY10 base-year funding, and Foreign Military Sales C-130J contracts into one negotiation. By taking advantage of economies of scale, the Air Force realized a savings and was able to procure two additional C-130Js. This effort reduced the number of aircraft the Air Force needs to buy in the out years to meet its requirement.
Installations and Operational Energy. The Air Force views energy efficiency as a mission enabler that can increase combat effectiveness, expand reach and minimize operational risks. The Air Force is integrating energy considerations across the Air Force enterprise with a three-pronged approach: reduce demand, increase supply, and culture change. We can identify efficiencies that increase our capabilities and reduce our costs, while also increasing and diversifying our energy supply to improve our energy security and our ability to meet our critical operational requirements. Finally, by creating a culture that makes energy a consideration in everything we do, and that values energy as a limited mission-critical resource, we ensure enduring and far-reaching utilization improvements and savings.
As part of our institutional effort to utilize energy to maximize mission effectiveness, the Air Force is requesting over $550 million for energy initiatives in FY12. Initiatives include investments in reliable alternative energy resources, enhancing energy efficiency, and reducing environmental impacts and life cycle costs. In addition, the Air Force is continuing to take steps to reduce mission risk by increasing critical infrastructure resiliency to ensure reliable energy availability at Air Force installations.
We have reduced energy use at facilities by nearly 15 percent since 2003, and expect to achieve nearly a 30 percent reduction by 2015. In addition, we have instituted a number of fuel saving initiatives and reduced the amount of fuel our aircraft have consumed by over 46 million gallons since 2006, despite increased operational requirements associated with ongoing operations. The Air Force is continuing to explore opportunities to reduce demand for aviation fuel. For example, the 618th Tanker Airlift Control Center is optimizing flying routes by working clearances to allow flights to transit through previously denied airspace. We can save the Air
Force an estimated 2.6 million gallons of fuel per year by optimizing our flight routes and clearances. Some of the initiatives we will pursue to achieve fuel efficiencies are:
. Providing aircrews in-flight guidance on the optimum airspeed and altitude based on current flight conditions;
. Expanding the use of simulators to conduct training;
. Implementing a program, already an industry standard, that cleans components allowing the engine to run cooler saving fuel and prolonging engine life; and
. Refining fuel and cargo policies to reduce carrying costs and potentially the number of missions required to support the Combatant Commanders.
We are also increasing the energy supplies we can use to meet our mission. We have certified over 99 percent of our aircraft fleet for unrestricted operational use of a synthetic aviation fuel blend. This fuel can be produced domestically, and we are looking to industry to help us meet our needs. We are in the process of certifying our fleet to use biofuel blends as well. These alternatives provide our fleet with additional flexibility and enable our freedom of action. The Air Force is also looking at alternative sources for energy at our facilities. In the upcoming years, we will quadruple on-base solar energy production and dramatically increase the amount of wind energy consumed. These clean sources of energy will serve to enhance our energy security.
The Air Force is working cooperatively with the Army and the Marines to reduce fuel requirements at forward operating bases by decreasing energy demand, utilizing efficient power distribution and increasing alternative supplies. These bases require generators, typically running on diesel, that require fuel to be brought in by convoy. We are working to improve the energy efficiency of our Basic Expeditionary Airfield Resources assets, commonly called BEAR, in the expeditionary environment. One of the Air Force's efforts is focused on reducing the energy demand for expeditionary shelters by 50 percent, while using photovoltaic tent flys to generate a minimum of three kilowatts per shelter. We are also working with industry to design a portable, expandable microgrid for our remote airfields. The system will integrate solar, wind and other renewable sources of energy into the existing BEAR power grid, reducing the system's reliance on traditional, carbon-based fuel by as much as 25 percent. It will be able to withstand the harsh conditions in which our military operates. More importantly, it will help reduce the inherent wartime dangers that come with delivering the fuel by convoy.
We have made significant and positive progress in reducing our consumption, increasing the energy available to the operational Air Force and changing the culture within the Air Force to ensure energy is a consideration in everything we do. Energy availability and security impact all Air Force missions, operations and organizations. The Air Force will increase warfighting capabilities, and efficiency, and help the Nation reduce its dependence on imported oil by continuing to ensure energy availability and re-engineering our business processes to become more efficient.
Reducing Excess Physical Plant and Infrastructure. The FY12 budget request includes a $300 million demolition and $100 million consolidation investment to reduce long-term fixed costs through the consolidation and demolition of unneeded facilities and infrastructure. In line with the June 10, 2010 presidential memorandum, the Air Force intends to reduce energy use and curtail unnecessary sustainment activities by eliminating physical plant that is no longer needed.
MILCON. The Air Force's FY12 $1.4 billion MILCON request provides funding for our most critical requirements including new construction aligned with weapon system deliveries and the Combatant Command priorities. This includes projects supporting beddowns and upgrades for F-22, F-35, HC-130J, EC-130H, RPA and B-52, as well as projects supporting our mission support facilities most in need of recapitalization. The Air Force MILCON program supports the U.S. Strategic Command Headquarters replacement facility in three increments beginning in FY12, the new U.S. Cyber Command Headquarters in FY13, an additional phase of the Blatchford Preston Dormitory Complex at Al Udeid, Qatar, and an air freight terminal on Guam.
Additionally, the budget request sustains our effort to provide quality housing for Airmen and funds $254 million in improvements to meet DoD performance standards to provide 90 percent of our permanent party dorm rooms in good or fair (Q-1 or Q-2) condition. The Air Force investment strategy is to fund improvements in all Q-3 and Q-4 dorms, referred to as Tier 1 dorms in the 2008 Dorm Master Plan, by 2017.
The Air Force recognizes the critical role MILCON holds in successful mission execution and is taking action to increase MILCON funding in the near years of the FYDP--the Air Force proposes to increase MILCON in FY12, FY13, and FY14 by a combined $1.8 billion over the FY11 PB submission.
Finally, in an effort to ensure the most critical mission and infrastructure projects are funded first, the Air Force used asset management and efficient facility operations processes to evaluate MILCON requirements. In essence, the Air Force is considering how these projects and programs help reduce our out-year investment needs as part of our overall cost control strategy.
Logistics. WSS is a vital element in sustaining Air Force readiness. The Air Force faced a $7 billion increase in WSS requirements across the FYDP at the beginning of the FY12 budget cycle, largely due to increasing numbers of weapon systems, such as C-17, F-22 and MQ-1/9 aircraft that use contractor logistics support. We recognized that we cannot sustain that kind of growth in requirements, so we implemented a WSS end-to-end assessment to identify efficiencies with respect to supply chain management, centralized asset management, and depot performance.
We were able to reduce WSS investment from $7 billion to $4 billion through efficiencies in depot and supply chain processes identified in the assessment. While we will still experience growth, this $3 billion FYDP offset represents important savings that the Air Force applied elsewhere. Prior to the WSS end-to-end assessment, the sustainment funds requested in FY12 would have supported 80 percent of the WSS requirement. Following the assessment, and the resulting reduction in growth, the same amount of funds requested will actually support 84 percent of the FY12 WSS requirement.
While the peacetime flying hour program is fully funded, reprogramming may be necessary to cover increased fuel costs due to the volatility of fuel prices. Over the longer term, enactment of the DoD's legislative proposal for the Refined Petroleum Products Marginal Expense Transfer Account would reduce disruptions to operations and investment programs by providing the flexibility to meet fuel price fluctuations.
The Air Force is successfully fielding a pilot of the first increment of the Expeditionary Combat Support System (ECSS). We will conduct an independent cost estimate as part of, and in conjunction with, the ongoing Critical Change Review to assess the cost effectiveness of proceeding with additional ECSS releases that support retail and wholesale supply and depot maintenance activities. The Air Force will continue to maintain legacy logistics support systems while determining the best course of action for developing information technology tools to enhance the visibility and management of supplies and equipment.
Financial Improvements. The Chief Financial Officers' Act provides direction for achieving a clean audit through leadership commitment, modernized government financial management systems, and strengthened financial reporting. Sound financial management helps to ensure the maximum combat capability for each taxpayer dollar. The Air Force is committed to achieving the legislative requirement for a clean audit by 2017. While 2017 is a challenging deadline for a military organization as large and diverse as the Air Force, the strong engagement of Air Force leadership, additional financial resources provided in recent years, and focus on fielding effective financial systems will help achieve it. We are focusing our efforts on the information most relevant to decision makers, and the Air Force Financial Improvement Plan is closely aligned with the DoD strategy to achieve a clean audit.
Strategic Basing. In 2009, the Air Force established a standardized, repeatable, and transparent Strategic Basing Process. Guided by the Strategic Basing Executive Steering Group and coordinated through the lead Major Commands, over 115 basing actions have been accomplished ensuring that mission and Combatant Commander requirements are linked to installation attributes that identify those locations that are best suited to support any given mission. This process supports IOC, aircraft delivery, personnel movement, and other mission requirements. Recent improvements in the process have formalized actions to expedite simple, specialized or particularly time-sensitive basing initiatives, to support more timely decisions.
During 2011, the Air Force will utilize the Strategic Basing Process to support basing decisions for the MQ-1/9, LiMA, LAAR, and KC-X.
In developing our FY12 budget request, we looked at ways to maximize combat capability out of each taxpayer dollar by identifying waste, implementing efficiencies, pursuing continuous process improvement initiatives and making smart investments. Recognizing the need to shift resources from "tail to tooth," the Air Force identified efficiencies across the enterprise that will enable investments in enhancements to increase our warfighting capabilities. This includes the continued pursuit of cost-effective systems that leverage existing capabilities and maximize interoperability and integration of legacy and future systems.
Our ability to project Global Vigilance, Reach, and Power is constrained by the increasing costs to design and build platforms in a particularly challenging budget environment. Our FY12 budget request reflects the difficult choices that will allow the Air Force to provide the necessary capability, capacity, and versatility required to prevail in today's wars, prevent and deter conflict, prepare to defeat adversaries and succeed across the range of potential military operations--all the while preserving and enhancing the all-volunteer force.
We are confident in our Airmen. They are the best in the world, and we rely on them to meet any challenge, overcome any obstacle and defeat any enemy as long as they are given adequate resources. We are committed to excellence and we will deliver with your help. We ask that you support the Air Force budget request of $119 billion for FY12.


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